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74 <br />boundary line of the Town Hall plot. Containing approx- <br />imately 500 acres more or less. <br />or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />read. Voted unanimously. <br />Article 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br />appropriate or take from available funds in the Treasury the <br />sum of $400.00 to establish a Conservation Commission Fund <br />in accordance with Chapter 40, Section 5, Clause 51 or take <br />any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to raise and appro- <br />priate the sum of $400.00 to establish a Conservation Com- <br />mission Fund in Accordance with Chapter 40, Section 5, <br />Clause 51. Voted 34 for, none opposed. <br />Article 39. To see if the Town will vote to accept a gift <br />of land from Field Point Mfg. Corp., approximately 50 feet <br />wide leading from Wills Work Road to_a Town -owned parcel <br />on Great River or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />read. Voted unanimously. <br />Article 40. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from <br />the Town Landing Committee's accumulated funds, $300.00 <br />to the Conservation Committee for the purchase of Lot #48, <br />on Monomoscoy Island or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to transfer from <br />the Town Landing Committees accumulated funds, $300.00 <br />to the Conservation Committee for the purchase of Lot #48, <br />in Waquoit Park. Voted 45 for, none opposed. <br />Article 41. To see if the Town will vote to establish the <br />so-called John Austin lot of sixty (60) acres and the Walter <br />R. Mingo lot of thirty-five (35) acres, located near the Great <br />Hay Road and the South Mashpee Road, so-called, as a Town <br />Forest. Said lands are now owned by the Town of Mashpee <br />or take any other action thereon. 4 <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />read. Voted unanimously. <br />