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39 <br />Report of the Forest Warden <br />To the honorable Board of Selectmen: <br />I hereby submit my report for the year ending December <br />31, 1965. <br />The past year was another extremely dry year, although <br />we had thirty brush fires as compared to fourteen in 1964, <br />the acreage burnt was low—the total being about 10 acres. <br />The past year we have had a few problems getting water <br />to fight fires as I have found some out of town fishermen <br />removing the boards from the Mill pond to catch bait, let- <br />ting the pond go dry and leaving us with very little water to <br />fill the trucks. <br />There is water in other ponds but usually there are so <br />many cars parked we can't get close enough to draft. <br />If some regulations could be made as to removal of flume <br />boards, it would be helpful in keeping the pond level up. <br />Respectfully, <br />ELLSWORTH PETERS, <br />Forest Warden <br />Report of the Inspector of Slaughtering <br />To the Board of health, <br />Town of Mashpee <br />Gentlemen: <br />Herewith is my report for the year 1966 serving the Town <br />Of Mashpee as Inspector of Animals and Slaughtering. <br />During the year there were 13 horses inspected and 17 <br />dog bites investigated. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />HORACE T. GIFFORD, <br />Inspector of Animals and Slaughtering <br />