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45 <br />Report of the Library Trustees <br />To the Honorable Board of selectmen <br />and the Citizens of the Town of Mashpee: <br />We are pleased to report to the citizens of Mashpee on <br />the progress of our new library building. <br />The library trustees, at this time, would like to extend <br />to the Library Building Committee our greatest appreciation <br />for a wonderful job in getting this project underway in spite <br />of the obstacles which confronted them. <br />We also would like to thank all who contributed finan- <br />cially to make this building possible. We would like to thank <br />our neighboring libraries and individual citizens for their <br />donations of books. <br />We believe that we can have a program that will make <br />our library a real asset to our town. <br />We close our report as we did last year extending to any- <br />one the pleasure of making donations to the library. We must <br />not forget the exterior of the building. Any gifts towards <br />making the grounds beautiful will be very acceptable. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />SELENA F. COOMBS, Chairman <br />ALICE J. HICKS <br />LEO C. HOUSTON <br />Library Trustees <br />