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Mashpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> May 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall-16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Approved 5/20/2020 <br /> Virtual/Remote Meeting-Call In (508) 539-1400 x1449 <br /> Broadcast Live on Local Channel 18 <br /> Present: Chairman Mary Waygan, Joe Cummings, Dennis Balzarini, John(Jack) Phelan, Joseph <br /> Callahan, Robert (Rob) Hansen(Alt.) <br /> Also Present: Evan Lehrer-Town Plainer, Charles Rowley-Consultant Engineer <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened by remote participation, with a quorum, <br /> by Chairman Waygan, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Attendance was taken by roll call <br /> with Mr. Balzarini, Mr, Cummings, Mr. Phelan, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Hansen and Chairman Waygan <br /> stating their presence. <br /> The Chair read a statement noting that by order of Governor Baker, and to prevent the spread of <br /> Covid-19, Town Hall was closed and the meeting was being held virtually and with remote <br /> participation. The meeting could be viewed at and viewers wishing <br /> to provide comment could call (508) 539-1449, extension 1449, to share public comment. <br /> The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES—April 15, 2020 <br /> The Chair and Board members had no amendments or comments for the minutes. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Cummings <br /> seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Balzarini-yes; Mr. Cummings-yes; Mr. Phelan-yes; Mr. <br /> Callahan-yes; Chairman Waygan-yes <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Charles Rowley Billing-An invoice in the amount of$400 was received from Mr. Rowley for <br /> services provided in April 2020. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to approve the bill from Mr. Rowley for his services for <br /> the month of April. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Balzarini-yes; Mr. <br /> Cummings-yes; Mr. Phelan-yes; Mr. Callahan-yes; Chairman Waygan-yes <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Request for reduction in performance bonds held for Definitive Subdivision known as <br /> The Cottages Phases I and II-The Chair confirmed that Mr. Rowley had conducted an inspection, <br /> providing a summary report from his inspection of both phases. Mr. Rowley confirmed that Phase I <br /> had been completed, and recommended that remaining securities be released to New Seabury, in the <br /> amount of$13,000 plus interest. Regarding Phase lI, Mr. Rowley found items still requiring <br /> completion. Mr. Rowley had followed up with Mr. Falacci regarding concerns but who stated that the <br /> 1 <br />