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projects could be completed over the next couple of weeks, in combination with the Phase III binder <br /> course being installed. Mr. Rowley suggested that securities for Phase II would then need to be held, <br /> and Mr. Rowley would need to follow up with another inspection. Mr. Balzarini expressed concern <br /> about resulting runoff from a recent rain event, in connection with Phase III, and cited locations <br /> towards South Cape Beach on Great Oak Road South. Mr. Rowley had initially reviewed the basins, <br /> which seemed to be fine, but had also questioned the use of crushed concrete in place of reclaimed <br /> asphalt, and was unsure of its drainage qualities. Mr. Rowley requested specifications for the material <br /> from Mr. Falacci to determine whether it was a reasonable alternative. Mr. Rowley will inspect the <br /> area during his next visit and will ensure that any silt be cleaned out if needed. Mr. Rowley would also <br /> share the information with Ms. Laurent. Mr. Phelan reported that he had seen the same and inquired <br /> further about picture#4. Mr. Rowley explained that the picture was behind the main entrance of New <br /> Seabury. <br /> There was consensus from Board members for Mr. Rowley to conduct inspections at The Cottages and <br /> at Quashnet. Mr. Rowley confirmed that he had a cost estimate for Quashnet but needed to compare it <br /> with the plans. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he would coordinate sharing the plans with Mr. Rowley. <br /> Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he had been in receipt of a letter from Mr. Falacci requesting a continuance <br /> to address Mr. Rowley's concerns in written form. Mr. Rowley noted that there were two plans, one <br /> identifying the locations of the bounds and monuments set for Phase I and II, without dimensions but <br /> would relate to the Subdivision Plan. Mr. Rowley has asked that New Seabury certify that the bounds <br /> had been set. There was consensus that the Board would consider the Performance Bonds at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> Coastal Engineering Co.-Ch. 91 Waterways License Application Notification, proposed <br /> nourishment for Maushop Village Trust, 358 Shore Drive West, Mashpee—Mr. Rowley noted that the <br /> Planning Board received notices as part of the licensing procedure and had the authority under Chapter <br /> 91 to hold a Public Hearing, or submit comments to the Division of Waterways, if deemed necessary. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Callahan seconded the motion. All <br /> voted unanimously. Roll call vote: Mr. Balzarini-yes; Mr. Cummings-yes; Mr. Phelan-yes; Mr. <br /> Callahan-yes; Chairman Waygan-yes. The meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Jennifer M. Clifford <br /> Board Secretary <br /> LIST OF DOCUMENTS PROVIDED <br /> Documentation available online at Maslipee's Planning Board n�ebsite page <br /> 2 <br />