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0 N M M N <br /> Town of Mashpee Year 1996 bills received after the close of the fiscal <br /> Special Town Meeting year. <br /> Recommendation: The Finance Committee recom- <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:18 p.m. 604 vot- mends approval. <br /> ers were present. Motion made by Curtis Frye. <br /> Barnstable, ss: Greetings Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and <br /> To the Constables of the Town, transfer$713.15 from revenue available for appro- <br /> priation to various unpaid bill accounts to be dis- <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, tributed by the Town Accountant. <br /> you are hereby directed to notify and summon the Motion passed 7.28 p.m. <br /> inhabitants of the Town of Mashpee who are qualified ' <br /> to vote in the elections to meet at the Quashnet School Article 3: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br /> Auditorium on Tuesday, the 6th of May, 1997 at 7:30 or transfer from available funds $137,000 to fund a <br /> p.m. for the following purposes: contract between the Town and the International <br /> To act on the articles contained in the following Brotherhood of Police Officers, Local 389, Units A <br /> Warrant. and B, for the period beginning July 1, 1995. <br /> Mr. Moderator, I move pursuant to Massachusetts Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br /> G.L.C. 39 15, to dispense with the count of those arti- Explanation: This article is placed on the warrant to <br /> cles requiring a 2/3 rds vote, and have the Moderator provide funding for a contract between the Town and <br /> simply declare a 2/3rds vote after a voice vote. the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, <br /> Further, if 7 voters request a hand count, that the Local 389, Units A and B. <br /> Moderator must order a hand count. Recommendation: The Finance Committee recom- <br /> Motion read by Jane D. Labute, Town Clerk. mends approval. <br /> Motion passed 7:21 p.m. Motion made by Curtis Frye. <br /> Article 1: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and <br /> or transfer from available funds $65,000 to the School transfer from revenue available for appropriation <br /> Budget account. $137,000 to fund a contract between the Town and <br /> Submitted by the School Committee the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, <br /> Local 389.,Units A and B,for the period beginning <br /> Explanation: This article is necessary to reimburse July 1, 1995, with said funds to be distributed as <br /> the school department for unforeseen expenses associ- follows: $43,875 to the 1996 Police Retroactive <br /> ated with the high school building not being available Salary Account, and $93,125 to the 1997 Police <br /> in August 1996. These monies will be recovered from Salary/Wage Account. Motion passed 7:30 p.m. <br /> the general contractor and be returned to the Town's Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br /> general fund. <br /> or transfer from available funds $152,000 to fund a <br /> Recommendation: Finance Committee makes no contract between the Town and the International <br /> recommendation. Association of Firefighters, Local 2519, for the period <br /> Motion made by George Costa. beginning July 1, 1995. <br /> Motion: I move Article 1 be indefinitely postponed. <br /> Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br /> Motion passed 7:22 p.m. Explanation: This article is placed on the warrant to <br /> Article 2: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate provide funding for a contract between the Town and <br /> or transfer from available funds $713.15 to pay previ- the International Association of Firefighters. <br /> ous fiscal year unpaid bills as follows: Recommendation: The Finance Committee recom- <br /> Motorola $ 510.00 mends approval. <br /> Staples $ 84.00 Motion made by Ken Marsters. <br /> Crockett Interconnect $ 90.00 Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and <br /> True Value $ 6.45 transfer$77,937 from revenue available for appro- <br /> Eric Smith $ 22.70 priation and $68,163 from the Medical Insurance <br /> Submitted by the Town Accountant Account to fund a contract between the Town and <br /> Explanation: This article is necessary to pay Fiscal the International Association of Firefighters, Local <br /> 2519, for the period beginning July 1, 1995, with <br /> 49 <br />