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said funds to be distributed as follows: $33,570 to contract obligations relative to the filling of vacancies <br /> the 1996 Fire Retroactive Salary Account and in the Patrol Section caused by sick leave, vacation <br /> $108,930 to the 1997 Fire Salary/Wage Account, leave, and on the job injuries exceeded previously <br /> and $3,600 to the Fire Expense Account. budgeted expectations. <br /> Motion passed 7:31 p.m. Recommendation: The Finance Committee recom <br /> Article 5: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br /> mends approval. <br /> or transfer from available funds $16,100 to the Motion made by Peter Dinizio. <br /> Dispatcher Salary and Wage Account. Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and <br /> f Submitted by the Chief of Police transfer $30,000 from the Hurricane Bob Account <br /> to the Police Salary/Wage Account. <br /> Explanation: The Police Dispatcher Salary and Wage <br /> Account is in deficit this fiscal year (FY `97) due to Motion passed 7:34 p.m. <br /> jextraordinary and partially unforeseen labor/payroll Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br /> costs. The unforeseen and extraordinary payroll or transfer from available funds $5,000 to the Police <br /> f expenditures resulted from the Police Department Off-Duty Detail Wage Account. <br /> expending an unusual amount of monies for public <br /> safety communication duty assignments during Submitted by the Chief of Police <br /> Hurricane Edouardo. Also,collective bargaining con- <br /> Explanation: Passage of this article will help ensure <br /> tract obligations relative to the filling of vacancies in the Police Department Off-Duty Detail Wage Account <br /> ++ the Communications (Public Safety Dispatchers) will not be in a deficit while awaiting payments from <br /> ,f Section caused by sick leave and vacation leave cost vendors or cause any unnecessary delay in making <br /> more in overtime than anticipated. Moreover, a delay payment of off-duty detail wages to police officers for <br /> in hiring a new full time dispatcher caused shift detail duties performed. <br /> scheduling vacancies which required overtime sched- <br /> uling assignments until the new dispatcher reported to Recommendation: The Finance Committee recom- <br /> �; work and was assigned to a shift. mends approval. <br /> Recommendation: The Finance Committee recom- Motion made by George Costa. <br /> mends approval. Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and <br /> Motion made by Nancy Caffyn. transfer $5,000 from the Medical Insurance <br /> Account to the Police Off Duty Account. <br /> Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and <br /> transfer $6,100 from the Medical Insurance Motion passes 7:34 p.m. <br /> Account and $10,000 from the Snow and Ice Article 8: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br /> Account for a total of $16,100 to the Police or transfer from available funds the sum of$3,000 to <br /> Dispatchers Salary and Wage Account. the Unemployment Account and the sum of $350 to <br /> Motion passed 7:33 p.m. the Group Insurance Account. <br /> Article 6: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate Submitted by the Treasurer/Tax Collector <br /> or transfer from available funds $30,000 to the Police Explanation: My requested budget for the <br /> j' Salary and Wage Account. Unemployment Account was reduced by the Board of <br /> Submitted by the Chief of Police Selectmen. At the rate of current billing we will be <br /> I- short approximately $3,000 for this year. <br /> j Explanation: The Police Salary and Wage Account is <br /> in deficit this fiscal year(FY `97) due to extraordinary The Group Insurance Account is short due to an <br /> L and partially unforeseen labor/payroll costs. The increase in the number of employees choosing to par <br /> unforeseen and extraordinary payroll expenditures ticipate. <br /> resulted from an unusually higher amount of hours uti- Recommendation: Finance Committee recommends <br /> lized in the investigation of major crimes, including approval. <br /> death investigations, rape, sexual assault, and abuse <br /> (domestic, elder, and child) cases. Many of these Motion made by Ken Marsters. <br /> cases required a considerable amount of overtime Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and <br /> !' expended at the investigative stage, grand jury/crimi- transfer $3,350 from the Medical Insurance <br /> nal complaint proceedings, and at court appearances. Account with said funds to be distributed as fol <br /> Moreover, the Police Department expended an unusu- lows: $3,000 to the Unemployment Account and <br /> al amount of monies for public safety operations dur- $350 to the Group Insurance Account. <br /> ing Hurricane Edouardo. Also, collective bargaining <br /> 50 <br /> MINIM, <br />