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Motion made by Kenneth Marsters. <br /> Motion: I move the Town vote to appropriate and transfer from Revenue Available for <br /> Appropriation $1,000,000 the Stabilization Account. <br /> Motion passes unanimously at 8:26 p.m. <br /> Article 21 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to petition the General Court for special <br /> legislation authorizing the Town to enter into a land exchange with Willowbend Development <br /> Corporation. in which the Town would transfer to Willowb,end the land shown on the 1999 <br /> Mashpee Assessors' Maps as Map 77, Blocks 3, 5, 7, 10, 21, 23, 25, 27 and 28 and Willowbend <br /> would transfer to the Town all their right, title and interest in the land shown on said Assessors' <br /> Maps as Map 70, Blocks 19, 24 through 37, 29A, 62, 63, 71, 79, 80C, 86, 90, 96, 109, 115 and <br /> 134, with said land to be held in the care and custody of the Conservation Commission pursuant <br /> to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 8C, along with an easement across other <br /> land of Willowbend for a scenic viewpoint, sitting area and pedestrian and carry-in boat access <br /> between the Town's land shown on said Assessors' Map as Map 77, Block 32, and the waters of <br /> Shoestring Bay, with the location. and dimensions of said easement to be established by <br /> agreement between Willowbend, the Selectmen and the Conservation Commission and subject <br /> to any applicable permitting authorities; and further, to see if the Town will authorize the <br /> Conservation Commission and the Board of Selectmen to enter into contracts or agreements and <br /> execute any and all instruments as may be necessary on behalf of the Town to effectuate said <br /> land exchange and easement; or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br /> Explanation: In order to consolidate ownership patterns, resolve an outstanding situation in <br /> which the Town and Willowb�end share partial interests in certain lands, allow a more <br /> environmentally appropriate design, for a proposed golf course expansion at Willowbend and <br /> establish a public access point for pedestrians, shell fishermen and carry-in boaters on <br /> Shoestring Bay, this article authorizes the selectmen to effectuate a land exchange with <br /> Willowbend and to seek the necessary legislative authorization to make the exchange. <br /> Motion made to dispense with reading of article. <br /> Motion to dispense with reading of article passes unanimously at 8:27 p.m. <br /> Motion made by David Leveille. <br /> Motion: I move Article 21 be indefinitely postponed. <br /> Motion to indefinitely postpone passes at 8:32 p.m. <br /> Article 22 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, <br />