Article 27
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaw as fellows.
<br /> In Section 174-1 replace the phrase "Zoning Map, dated May 1979". with the phrase "Zoning
<br /> Map, dated October 2000";
<br /> In Section 17 -4, under "CGommercial. Districts", delete the "C-1-SV Incentive Zone" and "C 1-
<br /> 0 Incentive Zone" and insert a new "C-3 Limited Commercial Zone",
<br /> Delete Section 174-16 in its entirety;
<br /> In Section 174-24.0. 1. insert after the base "riot involving new structures containing p more
<br /> than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of gross floor area" the words ", not located in the C-3
<br /> district or Mashpee Center Overlay District";
<br /> In Section 174- 5 Table of Use Regulations add after the "C- " column a new "C-3" column.
<br /> and delete the "C-1-SV" and "C-1-0" columns;
<br /> In the new "C- " column indicate by the letter "Y" that the uses listed under the following
<br /> Subsections of Section 174-2 .. will be perms fitted as of right: B.(1), .(2), B.(3), C.(1), C .(2),
<br /> C.(3)� C. 4), 1.(1), 1.(2), 1.(3), 1.(4), 1.(11);
<br /> In the new ''C-3" column indicate by the letters TR" that the uses listed under the following
<br /> Subsections of Section 1 4-2 . will be permitted subject to the Plan. Review process described
<br /> in Section 174-24.B: A.( ), B•(4), B.(5), B.( ), B.(7), •(10), I.(5), I.( ), I.(1o), I.(12), I.(13);
<br /> In the new "C-3" column indicate by the letters "PIS./SP" that the uses listed under the following
<br /> Subsections of Section 17 -25. will be permitted either subject to the Plan. Review process
<br /> described in. Section 174-24.B or by Special Permit pursuant to Section 174-2 .C, based on the
<br /> provisions of Subsection 174-24.C.(1): A.(13), A.(14), . ), B.(11), B.(13), D.(1), D.(2),
<br /> I .(3), D.(4), F.(3), E.(4), E.( ")1 F•( ), F.( ),
<br /> n the new "C;-3" column indicate by the letters "S,P" that the uses listed under the following
<br /> Subsections of Section. 1.74-2 . will be permitted only upon issuance of a Special. Permit
<br /> pursuant to Section 174-24.0: A.(2), A.(3), A.(4), A.( ), A.( ), A.( ), A.(12), B.( ), B.(12),
<br /> .(14), 13.(15), B.(17), C.(5), .(2), E.(7), E.(10), F.(2), F.(3), G.(4), G.(6), G.(10)1 C .(11),
<br /> H.( ), I.( )� I (1 )
<br /> Amend Subsection 174-2 .E.(1.1.) by deleting reference to the C-1-SV and C-1-0 zoning
<br /> districts;
<br /> Amend Subsection 1.74-2 .G.(4) by adding the letters "SP" under the C -2 and C-3 columns and
<br /> changing the reference under the C-1 column from "PR/SP" to "SP";
<br /> Amend Subsection. 17 -2 .I.( ) to add "or C;-Y after "Cw-2";
<br /> Delete the current wording of Subsection 174-25. .(14) and replace it with the following;
<br />