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Article 29 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaw as follows. <br /> Delete the current wording of Section 174-:.:. "Lots located in multiple zoning districts." and <br /> replace it with the following: <br /> "When a lot is transected by a zoning district boundary, the regulations of this chapter which <br /> shall be applicable to each portion of the lot shall be those applicable to the zoning district in <br /> which it lies, provided that such portion. shall have a land area sufficient to meet the minimum <br /> lot size requirement within said district. <br /> Where such portion or portions of said lot do not meet the applicable minimum lot size <br /> requirement, they shall be governed by the zoning applicable to the adjacent portion of the lot, <br /> if any, which complies with the minimum lot size requirement applicable to the district in <br /> which it lies. <br /> If no portion of the lot meets the minimum lot size requirement of the district in which it lies, <br /> the entire lot shall governed by those regulations which apply to the largest portion of the lot. <br /> No new lot may be created which extends more than 30 feet into a zoning district other than <br /> that in which the majority of said lot is Located." <br /> or tape any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Planning Board <br /> Explanation: The current provisions of the zoning by-law which ,govern lots located in more <br /> than one zoning district are confusing, leave significant portions of some lots unusable, and can <br /> create zoning situations, particularly on large parcels (such as a number of lots on. Route 130 <br /> which are located in three zoning districts) which are inappropriate and run counter to the intent <br /> of Town Meeting in establishing the zoning map. This article attempts to provide a clear <br /> explanation of what zoning will apply to each portion of a lot in multiple districts. <br /> Motion made to dispense with reading of article. <br /> Motion to dispense with reading ofarticle passes at *. o p.m. <br /> Motion made by George Green. <br /> Motion: I move article 29 be voted, as printed in the Warrant with the exception of the phrase, <br /> ``or tape any other action relating thereto". <br /> Planning oar p d voted at a Public Hearin held. September 6, 2000 -0 for approval. <br /> Lotion passes unanimously at � 1 p.m. <br /> Article 30 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaw by amending Subsection 1.74- 5.H.(5) <br /> of the Table of Use Regulations to read "Sand or Gravel. Pit, where sand or gravel are mined or <br />