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Motion made by Wayne Taylor. <br /> Motion-. I move the Town vote to amend Line Item #83 of the FY 2001 Omnibus Budget <br /> Temporary Borrowing Outside 2 1/2 from $90,301 to $70,414 and to amend Line Item #81 of the <br /> Omnibus Budget Interest Outside 2 1/2 from $1,490,169 to $1,425,712. <br /> Motion passes unanimously at 7:46 p.m. <br /> Article 4 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $9,,168 to <br /> the Building Inspector Salary/Wage Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Building Department <br /> Explanation: The monies requested are needed to fund contractual obligations due to the <br /> retirement of the Building Inspector, effective January 5, 2001, and the need to fill said <br /> position. <br /> Recommendation: The Finance Committee recommends approval. <br /> Motion made by George Green. <br /> Motion: I move the Town vote to raise and appropriate $9,168 to the Building Inspector <br /> Salary/Wage Account. <br /> Motion passes unanimously at 7:47 p.m. <br /> Article 5 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $9,500 to <br /> the Assessors' Salary/Wage Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Board of Assessors <br /> Explanation: These funds will permit the Assessing Department to replace a retired part-time <br /> clerk with a full-time clerk. This position was a pproved several years ago and is funded through <br /> the inter municipal agreement with the Mashpee Water District. The position has remained <br /> unfilled in order to avoid a layoff and,take advantage of normal attrition. <br /> Recommendation. <br /> The Finance Committee recommends approval. <br /> Motion made by Kenneth Marsters. <br /> Motion: I move the Town vote to raise and appropriate $9,500 to the Assessors' Salary/Wage <br /> Account. <br /> Motion passes unanimously at 7:49 p.m. <br />