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Explanation-, These funds are used for consultants and expenses related to the State mandated <br /> triennial revaluation of real and personal property. Funds will be transferred from the Overlay <br /> Surplus Account. <br /> Recommendation: The Finance Committee recommends approval. <br /> Motion made by George Green. <br /> Motion-, I move the Town vote to appropriate and transfer from the Overlay Surplus Account <br /> $50,000 to the Assessors' Revaluation Account. <br /> Motion passes at 8:05 p.m. <br /> Article 15 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $30,000 to <br /> the Johns Pond (Quashnet River) Water Control Structure Account, or take any other action <br /> relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Conservation Commission <br /> Explanation,.* The fish ladder currently in place is only a temporary one, put in by the Division <br /> of Marine Fisheries (the previous one was vandalized). The water control structure needs to be <br /> completely replaced as it is in serious disrepair and barely functional. Additionally, its current <br /> configuration is not conducive for herring passage. The $30,000 will augment the $6,0,000 <br /> appropriated at the May 3, 2000 Town Meeting for the design, materials and installation of the <br /> fi sh I adder. <br /> Recommendation: The Finance Committee recommends approval. <br /> Motion made by Kenneth Marsters. <br /> Motion.o I more the Town vote to raise and appropriate $30,000 to the Johns Pond (Quashnet <br /> River) Water Control Structure Account. <br /> Motion passes unanimously at 8:06 p.m* <br /> Article 16 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer $33,000 from the Waterways <br /> Improvement Account to the Waterways Maintenance Account to be used for maintaining <br /> Mashpee Waterways as directed by the Board of Selectmen, or take any other action relating <br /> thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Waterways Commission <br /> Explanation: This article provides partial funding for maintenance dredging in Waquoit and <br /> Popponesset Bays. The total budget for this work is approximately $57,000 with the remaining <br /> funds to be transferred from the Town's, County Surplus credit. <br />