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Brian Howes has yet to update the Board of Selectmen on the water quality results from the 2019 summer sampling due to <br /> the COVID-19 pandemic. We are anxiously awaiting his report. <br /> Mashpee Neck Dredging Project: Initial concerns were presented to the department in regards to the dredging activity and <br /> deployment of the sediment boom/curtain at Mashpee Neck Marina. Upon inspection, the boom was not deployed <br /> properly, but the issue was remediated and the water quality sample taken by the Division of Marine Fisheries came back <br /> clean with less than 14 colony counts of total fecal coliform. <br /> The Division of Marine Fisheries reported elevated levels of fecal coliform levels at Mashpee Neck Landing on 10/19, but <br /> the levels were not considered substantially high according to the area biologist who also recommended a retest. The <br /> retest came back clean as previously stated. <br /> The sediment dredge material was also previously tested for toxins by the permit holder. A full report determined that the <br /> material was clean enough to be deposited as clean fill in an offsite private property located in Marstons Mills without any <br /> further permitting. <br /> The shellfish classification area(in the immediate vicinity of Mashpee Neck Landing) SC-20 opened on of 1/l/20 to <br /> harvest the shellfish. <br /> Mashpee CWNMP: <br /> • DNR/Estuary Restoration/Shellfish Program: Update: <br /> The DNR received special emergency funds from the CPC to purchase a 25' Maycraft Skiff. That boat is due to be <br /> received sometime in December. <br /> The Ockway Bay Upweller FLUPSY Project is underway. The electric and water have been installed and the 2 docks are <br /> under construction. The engineered plans are being prepared for the Conservation Commission to receive permitting and <br /> Chapter 91 approval. <br /> Shellfish Constable Donovan McElligatt and Director Ashley Fisher are currently attending the Reserve Intermittent Basic <br /> Police Academy and will complete the course in March 2021. <br /> Shellfish: <br /> Quahogs: <br /> 450,OOO—r8 quahogs laid under 18 nets(25,000 per net) in Jellu Pond <br /> 2 million broadcasted off Will's Work Rd in Waquoit <br /> 175,000 broadcasted at Hamblin Pond family area and Hamblin Pond Channel <br /> 420,000 broadcasted SW corner of Hamblin Pond <br /> 267,000 broadcasted Great River mouthAip of Monomoscoy <br /> 1.29 million broadcasted at Great River family area and some at Jehu <br /> 3 million quahogs traded for 3 million oysters with the ARC (2 million received, remaining 1 million coming spring 2021) <br /> 1.3 million discarded runts, estimated 7-10% mortality upon arrival from ARC (up to 1.1 million) <br /> This leaves about 2 million quahogs unaccounted for due to heavy volume of quahogs at times,there were some tears in <br /> the silo mesh that resulted in loss of quahogs. Some seed was smaller than mesh size upon arrival from ARC and resulted <br /> in loss through bottom of silos. <br /> Oysters: <br /> 2 million oysters that were received from the ARC were placed in cages at Orsini Beach in the Mashpee River. <br /> Mashpee Neck Landing family area is open for recreational harvest. <br /> The department purchased new oyster gear to improve growing efficiency in Mashpee River, the area is to be reorganized <br /> over the winter. The new gear are hotel cages that hold bags of oysters so that they are protected from predators. <br /> • IMA's with other towns; DRI Review Process: Update: <br /> • Planning and Funding for Wastewater(WW)Management/Sewers: Update: Decrease in CPA to 2% <br />