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With A Cop" . The pandemic put some restrictions on the usual person to person experience where a <br /> given officer would take a child shopping and out to lunch.Nevertheless 10 students were selected and <br /> Officer Hennessey and Officer Cuzzo did the shopping. (b)The police department had a fund of$1000 <br /> which they used to hand out gift cards to the public at random. (c) Officer Hennessey now brings a <br /> comfort dog to the schools from Monday to Thursday. This approach is also used with cases of <br /> domestic violence and with children outside of school as indicated. <br /> 9.1r terfaith Panel : The chair discussed the difficulty of finding participants due to retirement, deaths, <br /> and closing of churches. She is in communication with our local Rabbi, Elias Lieberman, who has <br /> raised some good questions : What is the purpose?What questions would we like answered. ? At this <br /> point it remains a work in progress and the ultimate goal will be to create a two way communication <br /> thread with Mr. Klein and Ms Nadeau as our representatives. Mr. Ney of Mashpee TV will assist with <br /> the proposed panel discussion. <br /> 10 Town:(a)In addition to her usual duties as Human Services Director , Ms. Gail Wilson has <br /> taken on the task for housing assistance previously handled by Mashpee Housing Authority. She <br /> expressed excitement to be working on this project and is developing applications. The program will <br /> offer rental and mortgage assistance for 6 months. Her work will provide a perspective on the needs of <br /> our community (b)The chair reported that some monies from the Mashpee Community Preservation <br /> Fund were used to join with other towns to develop an affordable housing complex for Autistic Cape <br /> Cod citizens. <br /> 11 League of Women Voters: The chair reported that the League has a Diversity and Inclusion <br /> Initiative. She attended its December Zoom program. It was noted that the education subcommittee will <br /> offer a scholarship to provide membership costs for high school students. <br /> 12 Coalition: The chair will host a January meeting for the newly named Cape Cod&South Shore <br /> Diversity Coalition. The Sandwich School Committee has created the Inclusion,Equity, and Diversity <br /> Advisory Committee which will be invited to join the coalition. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> 1. Budget Request Town Manager, Rodney Collins has approved a$500 budget for the <br /> committee. While the committee cannot raise money donations can be accepted and <br /> Mr.Kupferman will donate part of the payment he receives from the Mashpee Enterprise for his <br /> column. <br /> 2. Social Media Request. The chair is waiting for a decision. <br /> 3. Member Sharing: (a) The chair attended Conversations That Matter at which a short film ,White <br /> Space, was previewed interviewing 4 women of color on Cape Cod. (b)The Barnstable NPFH <br /> will be be offering Bystander Training this month. (c) Falmouth NPFH is offering its annual <br /> Martin Luther King program on January 25`h. (d)The chair recommends the documentary on <br /> Netflix"The Antidote"which deals with kindness. <br /> NEW BUSINES <br /> 1. Ms Celeste Reynolds from Mashpee Middle High School presented a power point program on <br /> Open Street Mapping. Committee members are invited to participate in a Mapathon on <br /> February 8. She has provided the chair with her power point program. <br /> 2. Letter of appreciation to Jennifer Clifford was recommended by the chair and approved. <br /> 3. Conflict of Interest Training. All committee members must take the on line training by April.2, <br /> 2021 <br /> 4. Town Report. The committee report for 2020 must be completed by February 8. The chair will <br /> write a draft and submit to Ms. Deboer and Ms.Sue Wilson for editing. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Next meeting Feb.9. <br />