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topics to be presented on podcasts. The first will deal with homelessness and a backpack initiative (c) <br /> Ms Hendricks discussed the plans for a welcome program for new students. She has identified 12 new <br /> students She will meet with the Human Rights Club and other students to assist with the program <br /> which will carry over into the new school year. (4)The committee congratulated Mr. Baker on his <br /> acceptances to Georgetown University, UMass Amherst and Howard with more in the offing. <br /> 2 Tribal:(a) Ms. Johnson-Graham noted that changes are coming with the new administration. The <br /> Tribe has been receiving a lot of questions via zoom about racism and terrorism . If blacks had entered <br /> the capitol would they have been treated differently?Young people have been fighting racism and are <br /> questioning what they can do to make things better. Meanwhile fear exists and M. Johnson-Graham <br /> chose not to go to Washington to represent the Tribe's economics committee.(b)The Tribe has <br /> elections in March via mail in ballots. (c) Ms. Johnson stated we must pray for peace and we can go <br /> further if we overpower with love. The chair asked if the Tribe would let us know if there are initiatives <br /> the committee can support. She commended the new editor of the Mashpee Enterprise who is <br /> requesting letters and commentary from the public. <br /> 3. Library: Ms Gail Wilson reports she has been in touch with the Library Director,Kathy <br /> Mahoney . At this time the staff is spending its energy on safe and contactless processes due to the <br /> pandemic. She is looking forward to orking with the committee. <br /> 4 .Chamber of Commerce. /Mashpee TV(a)The chair reported that she had written some <br /> questions and proposals to be included in its bulletin. Unfortunately it fell through the cracks and will <br /> now be resubmitted along with some emails to individual members. (b)Mashpee TV: Ms Nadeau has <br /> discussed a platform for people to come together in an open mike setting. One idea is to bring together <br /> 3 generations of a family. Mr.Ney is busy with the Tribe right now and Ms. Nadeau will continue to <br /> pursue this idea. While not everyone can access the Mashpee television programs they are available on <br /> YouTube and are listed on the Mashpee TV website.A membership in Mashpee TV is available for a <br /> minimal sum. <br /> 5.LGBTQ: (a)Ms Sue Wilson reported that parents may contact PFLAG Cape Cod for virtual <br /> support or connect with Cape Cod (b) Cape Cod Pride has established two $2000 <br /> scholarships for seniors who have demonstrated a passion for community service and equal rights. <br /> Applications are available on the Cape Cod Pride website. The scholarships are in honor of Mr. Stan <br /> Samuelson who died of Covid this past April. He was a straight man with a gay son and provided <br /> support and mentorship to the GSA clubs in the high school. . (Gay Straight Alliance) <br /> 6..Social Media. The chair reported ;that she has not received a response from Mr. Collin <br /> relative to our request for a FaceBook site.Also can we become a member of the 2 local FB sites <br /> (Mashpee Market Place and Mashpee Message) ? Both Mashpee Schools and Mashpee Police <br /> Department issue information on these sites. Mr. Fand questioned why the committee needs <br /> permission. Independant FB sites could be developed to serve beyond Mashpee. Ms Gail Wilson <br /> explained that there are restrictions because we are a town committee. She reported that her task force <br /> has a FB page that is an" information only" site. Ms. Sue Wilson stated that Cape Cod Pride operates <br /> in a similar way as they did not want to invite hate posts. This site invites people to communicate and <br /> identify where the community can find resources. Ms DeBoer also uses the Schools site serve as an <br /> informational source such as the kindness project for the month of January. Ms Johnson-Graham <br /> referenced the Mashpee Message site which has restrictions on political commentary but it is not an <br /> easy task to keep politics and prejudice out of the discussion. e.g the conflict over the change in the <br /> town seal. The chair will pursue the issue of social media sites with Mr.Collins. <br /> 7. Mashpee Enterprise: Mr. Kupferman discussed our new column with appreciation for the <br /> support of Mr. Steve Withrow,the new editor. He shares each column with Mr. Withrow and the chair <br /> before publication. His goals are to write about individual people and would like his third column to <br /> cover our young people. He will get together with our High School reps Mr. Baker and Ms Hendricks. <br /> 8. Police Department :(a) Officer Hennessey described the department's annual project"Shop <br />
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