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3 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> Minutes <br /> March 1, 2021 <br /> Update on Phase 1 of the Wastewater Plan: (continued) <br /> The CCIWPF was established to assist municipalities in funding critical wastewater infrastructure and water <br /> quality remediation projects. The same formula is applied to each qualified community to determine the grant <br /> amount equally. The subsidy percentage would apply to the principal of all projects costing over $1 million. <br /> The total monetary value of each grant equals the subsidy percentage times the final project cost. After final <br /> approval, the amount is allocated in four installments. <br /> The MassDEP publishes the Intended Use Plan (IUP) which lists the projects eligible to receive CWSRF loans and <br /> municipalities are notified of their eligibility to receive a CCIWPF grant. It is perceived the Town of Mashpee <br /> may receive 10%forgiveness from the CCIWPF. With a projected budget in Phase I of$51.2 million, this would <br /> result in $5.1 million in loan forgiveness. <br /> It is projected the CWSRF loan and CCIWPF subsidy would be fully determined prior to the May Town Meeting. <br /> In accordance with grant requirements, a municipality must approve project funding through a vote of <br /> Town Meeting by June 20, 2021. <br /> Revenue assumptions to be used for offset include the Rooms Tax estimated at $750,000 per year with 75% of <br /> revenues earmarked for wastewater obligations. The implementation of the WIIF at 2% adds a tax assessment <br /> of$89 per year. The 2%WIFF actually represents a 1%tax increase as the tax utilizes the 1% reduction from the <br /> CPA. The 2% WIIF would be assessed as $89 on an average home valued at $500,000. Homes of lesser value <br /> would thus be assessed at a lesser rate. A breakdown of costs will be presented to the Select Board on March <br /> 15, 2021 for additional review. <br /> In considering the average debt per household for the $51.2 million project in Phase I the $143 per year debt <br /> using the CCIWTP 10%forgiveness; minus -$15 and Rooms Tax offset minus -$49, brings forth a net cost of$80 <br /> per year in Phase I. However, the WIIF assessment is $89 per year. With the $80 reduction, this brings forth a <br /> net cost of$0 per household with an additional $9 to remain in the coffers for wastewater. The Town therefore <br /> does not require an override or additional funds for Phase I of the wastewater plan. <br /> The analysis to be provided by the project engineer on March 15, 2021 would further detail cost projections. <br /> Grinder pumps as previously discussed will be included as an option in the 75% design presentation. <br /> With regards to requirements of the CWSRF loan, the importance of a Flow Neutral Nitrogen Bylaw was <br /> prioritized as was the article and debt exclusion required for bonding purposes. Any ineligible cost is subject to <br /> bonding. <br /> At the next meeting locations to be connected to Phase I, and costs to individuals who would be directly affected <br /> by the Phase I project will be reviewed. Town Counsel would be requested to render an opinion regarding flow <br /> requirements as it relates to planned bedroom units before and after sewering. <br /> Town Manager Rodney C. Collins gave credit to his Financial Team for compiling data for the wastewater cost <br /> analysis. The Select Board expressed appreciation to Mr. Collins, his Financial Team,the Sewer Commission and <br /> to Selectman Andrew R. Gottlieb for their due diligence and guidance. <br />