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8 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> March 18, 2021 <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> Town Manager Rodney Collins or other town officials to address GHD quote and questions from <br /> Finance Committee members: (continued) <br /> 10)The NetZero nitrate loan that is being proposed does it only limit growth in those areas that <br /> are being affected or limit growth throughout the whole town. <br /> The NetZero pertains to the sewer service area only. Cape Cod towns participating in the <br /> Clean Water State Revolving Fund(CWSRF) loan program have the option to reduce <br /> their interest from 2% to 0%by implementing a regulatory standard regarding wastewater <br /> flow. The interest buy-down would save the taxpayer$17 million in interest charges, a <br /> yearly cost of$50 per taxpayer for the life of the loan. <br /> This is a modest cap of guidelines. Any home connected to the sewer service area would <br /> be entitled to have the same number of bedrooms regardless of their lot size. If a home <br /> has less than 4 bedrooms, they are entitled to have a 4-bedroom home with the installed <br /> sewer. A lot consisting of more than one acre is entitled to have 1 bedroom per 10,000 <br /> square foot lot. <br /> 11) Grinder pumps are to be procured by GHD, will they install those pumps and is that cost <br /> included in this 54-million-dollar plan? <br /> Grinder pumps are anticipated to be procured by the Town and are included in the cost <br /> projection. The installation is not included in the cost, as the grinder pumps are unique. <br /> The individual homeowners would fund this portion with financing options available <br /> through the County septic betterment program. <br /> 12)What is the estimated cost of restoring roads to their original condition after sewage pipes <br /> have been placed in the ground? <br /> SRF funding is planned for temporary and final pavement restoration at a cost of$7.9 <br /> million. Proposed restoration guidelines would be reviewed. If the Town choses to <br /> modify restoration there would be an additional cost to the project which may fall under <br /> the Chapter 90 reimbursement program for roadways. <br /> 13) Is the Owners Project Manager under the control of the town or under the control of GHD? <br /> The Owners Project Manager is hired and controlled by the Town. <br />