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9 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> March 18, 2021 <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> Town Manager Rodney Collins or other town officials to address GHD quote and questions from <br /> Finance Committee members: (continued) <br /> 14) How does the town propose to control nitrate levels in non-sewered areas? <br /> The control of nitrate levels in non-sewered areas are outlined in 2015 final recommended <br /> plan and environmental impact report; shellfish and adaptive management practices. <br /> 15)What financial options will the town offer its residents for those hooking into the septic <br /> system.The cost of hook-up be billed to their taxes? Do they automatically have to go take <br /> a loan? <br /> This decision would be reviewed by the town. Options would include private financing, <br /> paying up front, and through loans offered by the County through the septic betterment <br /> program. <br /> Craig Mayen, Treasurer/Tax Collector indicated the debt exclusion recommended by the Finance <br /> Team and by Bond Counsel would allow borrowing authority and authorize the Town to be <br /> exempt from the provisions of proposition 2 '/2. The authorization would terminate at the end of <br /> the life of the bond, 30 years without having further authorization from Town Meeting. The $54 <br /> million authorization is specific to Phase 1. Offsets are projected. This includes the Rooms Tax, <br /> the forgiveness from the CWSRF loan and forgiveness from the Cape Cod&Islands Water <br /> Protection Fund. Additional authorization would be required from the State Revolving Fund if <br /> the bid resulted in a higher amount. <br /> With regards to the Conservation Law Foundation suit there was no comment regarding pending <br /> litigation. It was disclosed if the authorization does not pass at Town Meeting it is likely to be <br /> extremely detrimental to the Town's position. <br /> In closing, it was agreed the Town has been highly competent in moving forward with due <br /> diligence, and it is hopeful the voters will have confidence in approving this project. <br /> Appreciation was given to Town Manager Collins, Selectman Gottlieb and to Tom Fudala, the <br /> Sewer Commission Chair for their offered knowledge and skillset. <br />