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4 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> November 5, 2020 <br /> Presentation from Town Manager: (continued) <br /> Town Manager Rodney C. Collins announced that due to the COVID-19 pandemic and potential <br /> increase in the number of cases,the Mashpee Town Hall will continue to maintain its level of <br /> services with limited public access. Those entering the building must adhere to certain protocols. <br /> With the challenges of the pandemic and uncertainties in the upcoming year the general budget <br /> directive is level funding for expense line items. Adjustments would be made with compelling <br /> justification and for non-discretionary costs such as utilities. This is not a time for any <br /> unreasonable increases. The FY2022 budget will also be reflective of the collective bargaining <br /> settlement agreements approved at the October Town Meeting. <br /> A brief discussion followed with respect to the WIIF ballot question. If Question 4 is defeated it <br /> was suggested that Free Cash be utilized to offset the taxpayer burden. Town Manager Rodney <br /> C. Collins explained that it is premature to make any decisions until the certification of the data <br /> is fully realized. <br /> At this time costs associated to health care, insurance and State Aid has not been fully identified. <br /> Budget decisions and recommendations will be based on these costs to ensure the Town will <br /> remain fiscally sound. Further discussions will ensue as the Town moves forward in the budget <br /> process. <br /> The Finance Committee expressed appreciation to the Town Manager's for conservative <br /> budgeting to maintain fiscal strength and stability. <br /> Review of Town Meeting and Finance Committee's operation leading up to it: <br /> Members of the Finance Committee conducted a review of the October Town Meeting and <br /> operational procedures guiding the process. <br /> It was agreed that it is beneficial to meet with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting to <br /> take action on articles of the warrant as necessary. This review would also be appropriate and <br /> worthwhile during the budget process. <br /> Overall,the joint meeting prior to Town Meeting deemed is suitable. At times, it is necessary for <br /> the Select Board to take action on a particular article. However, the Finance Committee is often <br /> unaware of the intent. It was agreed a request for information, if available for any actions, would <br /> be requested to be transmitted to the Finance Committee prior to the joint meeting as decisions <br /> may also be required of the Finance Committee. Last year, the process was improved as the <br /> Select Board Chair invited the Finance Committee to the regular meetings. The Finance <br /> Committee was recognized and provided comment on budget discussions. <br />