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Basically,vandalism is defacement while a hate crime has an intent to intimidate. The decision <br /> to make this determination ultimately lies not with the police but with the local district attorney, <br /> who determines whether they can go forward. <br /> 9. Interfaith Panel: The Chair is still trying to get someone from the Baptist Church. Ms.Nadeau <br /> reported on the Interfaith Council in New Bedford which is part of the Massachusetts <br /> Community Network. They initiated an Intentional Community Listening project. <br /> Participants are invited to discuss changes in racial justice and the pandemic. Ms.Nadeau plans <br /> to attend a session. <br /> 10. League of Women Voters: The education subcommittee is working on a resource project on <br /> diversity for Cape Cod schools. <br /> 11. Coalition: The next meeting will be held on March 24. There are more committees being <br /> added. Members of the Sandwich community are forming a new committee and asked for input <br /> regarding a town or ad hoc committee format, <br /> GUEST SPEAKER: Jim Curran from the Cape Cod Five bank presented a new program for the Cape <br /> and South-Eastern Massachusetts schools. Katie Acheson also attended from the Chamber of <br /> Commerce. Mr. Curran described how his bank wants to demonstrate a commitment to diversity and <br /> inclusion issues as well as the climate. The bank already has a relationship with the schools and the <br /> Washington, D.C. technology company, Everfi, addressing financial literacy. It now wishes to expand <br /> to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. It has signed a three-year contract to provide three web- <br /> based teacher-led classes over a three-year period.The topics include understanding money,African <br /> American History, grades 7-12,and Diversity Foundations, grades 9-12. He believes that this is the <br /> first bank in the country to offer such a program. Cheyenne commented how she benefited from the Job <br /> Skills program at the Boys and Girl Club. Willie praised Mr. Curran's presentations to the Mathematics <br /> Honor Society. Mr. Curran expressed his admiration for the students at Mashpee High School and <br /> enjoys his participation in the Credit for Life program. Ms. DeBoer appreciates the school district's <br /> partnership with Cape Cod Five. Ms.Acheson expressed gratitude from the Chamber of Commerce. <br /> Ms. Johnson Graham asked if there was a way the program could implement Native American History. <br /> Mr. Curran reported that Everfi had asked for some honest feedback and that requests were made to <br /> offer more languages and expand to the history of Indigenous people, so this is in the pipeline. The <br /> Chair pointed out that this program is an example of what the committee could support via social <br /> media. She will also share this information with the Cape Cod South Shore Diversity Coalition. Mr. <br /> Curran will send handouts to the committee. He is very aware that school staffs are exhausted with <br /> pandemic procedures and he is not tone deaf to their needs. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1. The Chair reported that the proposed statement for the Board of Selectmen was completed and <br /> provided to committee members. She thanked Ms. DeBoer and Ms. Landry for their assistance. <br /> The statement was drawn from a recently approved statement by the Duxbury Board. Gail <br /> Wilson suggested the proposed statement be sent to the town manager first. A motion was made <br /> by Ms. DeBoer and seconded by Ms. Johnson-Graham to forward the statement to Mr. Collins. <br /> All voted to approve. <br /> 2. Member sharing was postponed to the next meeting in the interest of time. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Race Amity Day is the second Sunday in June. June is also LGBTQ month. Juneteenth will also be <br /> celebrated, and the Woods Hole Diversity Committee is planning a program. Should the committees <br /> plan a program for Race Amity Day? Ms. Johnson-Graham and Ms.Nadeau have attended programs in <br /> Boston and other communities. Some towns have issued a proclamation in perpetuity. Members of the <br />
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