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column. The Chair mentioned that the committee would be seeking a sophomore to serve <br /> for the next two years to replace Willie.At present he is weighing his options for college <br /> and is leaning toward Georgetown.A young woman,Amna Iqbal volunteered to fill Willie's <br /> position. The committee will also seek an incoming senior to replace Cheyenne, who is very <br /> involved in numerous activities. Cheyenne has progressed with the welcome/mentor project <br /> with additional assistance from the Key Club advisor, Ms. Riley, as well as the Human <br /> Rights Club. She read the letter she has composed and is recruiting present juniors who <br /> represent different club activities and sports to serve as mentors. She would like to have a <br /> family event at the end of school if the pandemic rules allow. The plan will be to expand the <br /> program next year offering gift baskets to new students with coupons from the school store <br /> and Mashpee businesses like the Polar Cave. <br /> e) Ms. Johnson-Graham reported that she is establishing a scholarship honoring her sister <br /> Alicia,to be named the Alicia Playash-Johnson Scholarship and will be requesting <br /> donations. Her goal is to give one scholarship this year and two next year for a tribal and <br /> non-tribal member. <br /> 3. Library: The Chair attended the Race Amity program sponsored by the library and wrote a <br /> follow up email commending the presentation. <br /> 4. Chamber of Commerce:Administrative assistant Katie Acheson is excited to work with the <br /> committee and will be invited as a guest speaker in the future. <br /> 5. LGBTQ: Sue Wilson reported that there have been no applications for the two scholarships <br /> being offered by Cape Cod Pride. The Chair reported that a Human Rights Club member was <br /> applying. Ms. Wilson reported on the many helpful sites offered by PFLAG supporting parents <br /> and friends of young LGBTQs. Ms. Nadeau recommended these programs which have helped <br /> her as a grandparent of transgender children. She also recommended the book My Rainbow <br /> Child, written by a mother of a gay man. <br /> 6. Social Media: The committee is still in need of social media platforms to publish information <br /> relative to its work. There are local sites it could post on like Mashpee Message, but the <br /> committee must sign up for Facebook. Mr. Fand prepared a chart showing what other <br /> committees use. Some have a web page, others use Facebook. Ms. DeBoer reported that the <br /> schools have an outreach coordinator and have a presence on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram. <br /> Could the committee develop a similar role? Should the committee begin with a Facebook page <br /> that is information only? Mr. Klein suggested setting up a web page so that articles and Dan's <br /> columns could be posted. Gail Wilson asked: "What are we trying to achieve?" Ms.Nadeau <br /> recommended that Facebook should be explored. How is it set up?Is it"safe? Ms. Johnson- <br /> Graham referenced Elana Doyle,who operates Mashpee Message and carefully monitors <br /> content. Sue Wilson noted that a web page is a lot of work and Facebook has the advantage of <br /> being easier and easily shared. Gail Wilson noted that there is a Town web page and any steps <br /> taken will need the town manager's approval. We will need a member of the committee to <br /> develop and monitor whatever we choose. <br /> 7. Mashpee Enterprise: Mr. Kupferman published the column on the Human Rights Club. He <br /> wants to pursue human interest angles and asked committee members to consider what in their <br /> personal journey drew them to join our committee. He will focus on Chairperson J.Marie <br /> Stevenson for the April column. Mr. Kupferman reported that he turned his article about tribal <br /> member Billy Pocknett into a speech about social justice for Toastmaster International's annual <br /> speech contest. He will provide the committee with a link to this speech. Ms. Johnson-Graham <br /> thanked him for his contributions. <br /> 8. Police Department: Katie Hennessey could not be present but sent a report to the Chair which <br /> was appreciated. The question had been raised: How does the police department separate <br /> vandalism from a hate crime?This is of concern to other committees within the coalition. <br />
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