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MINUTES <br /> SEWER COMMISSION <br /> THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2021 <br /> MASH PEE TOWN HALL <br /> 16 GREAT NECK ROAD NORTH <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> *Virtual/Remote Meeting* <br /> Call: 646-558-8656 <br /> Meeting ID: 898 0322 3949 <br /> Passcode: 561749 <br /> Present Joe Lyons, Tom Fudala, Ken Dunn, Anne Malone, Mike Rapacz <br /> EyiLlic.- Anastasia Rudenko <br /> 6:00 p.m. — Convene Meeting <br /> Chairman Tom Fudala called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. <br /> Approval of minutes: March 16, 2021 <br /> Motion: Mr. Lyons moved to approve the 3/16/2021 minutes, Ms. Malone seconded. <br /> Vote: 5-0-0 motion passed <br /> Sewer Projects: <br /> - Review and comments on GHD Phase 1 75% designs. <br /> Mr. Dunn had asked about future expansion. Are we putting in all the extra pump bases <br /> and pipe penetrations in the walls when we build, or are we going to have to go back in <br /> and re-do all that in the future? <br /> Anastastia Rudenko said they look to optimize as much as we can to set it up so we can <br /> just plug it in in the future. <br /> Mr. Dunn asked about the accessibility of equipment for repairs, etc... <br /> Anastasia said they did optimize the layout for full build out, making sure we can take the <br /> equipment out and have enough space to maintain it. <br /> Mr. Lyons was asking about the extra tanks, and cost of putting 2 in now vs putting in all <br /> 4 now. <br /> Ansastasia said that was included in the cost estimate memo. <br /> Mr. Fudala said we directed at the last meeting to have two add alts; the next 2 tanks <br /> and then the final 4 tanks. We should have a number allocated to that. <br /> Anastasia said she will email that after the meeting. <br /> Mr. Dunn asked if the air release mechanisms are accessible at street level, and are there <br /> isolation valves at each location (connection to the house). <br /> Mr. Fudala clarified it's a valve at the property line. <br /> Anastasia said those will be shown in detail on the final drawings. <br /> Mr. Dunn asked if Suez is the best option for membranes. <br /> Anastasia said we did an analysis to see if we could design around multiple <br /> manufacturers, but the layouts were too different. So our recommendation was to <br /> standardize with Suez, which has the smallest footprint. <br />