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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> June 22,2021 <br /> 7:00 PM <br /> Mash pee Town Hall <br /> Meeting called by: Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols, Mike Rapacz. <br /> Guests: Paul Bibo, Winslow Dresser, Ashley Fisher, Dave Simpson <br /> The minutes of the September 22, 2020 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Mike Rapacz <br /> and second by Don Macdonald. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level/River outflow <br /> Discussion: Lake measurements were observed on the 1"and 15"' of the month by Brian Mauro through <br /> June I" and then resumed by Barbara Nichols until a replacement is found. They were emailed to Drew <br /> McManus in Conservation. The level was at 55.1 ft. above sea level and increased to 55.5 on January lst. <br /> It decreased to 55.3 ft. on May 161" and on June 1st had increased to 55.4 ft. after 6.6 inches of rain in <br /> Barbara's rain gauge. There is now 7 inches of water flowing over the boards in the dam. <br /> We also let Drew know when issues needed his attention. We told him of logs in the cage on Dec.I Wh <br /> and a dam board broken on one side on March 1st. He corrected the problems and let us know that DPW <br /> had done its annual dredging on February 11 th. <br /> Conclusions: The lake level remained between 55.1 and 55.5 feet above sea level since last September. <br /> Drew McManus has made repairs. <br /> [Agenda topic 2] Boat Ramp Repair <br /> Discussion: New signs prohibiting loitering and swimming in the launch area have been posted. The pot <br /> holes in the area have been filled by DPW and reimbursed by the State. There are plans to hire a <br /> contractor to repair the wash area at the ramp end. There has been discussion about hiring a ramp <br /> attendant through the recreation Department on weekends and holidays. <br /> Conclusion: The ramp area potholes have been filled and repair of the launch area is planned. <br />