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MasheV V Vve s t Committee <br /> 16 Great Weck R.oadWorth <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Chairwoman wants to honor Hashim's grandmother, she is an active member of League of <br /> Women Voters as well as an ambassador to students. <br /> Ms. Stevenson went into an explanation of the Jerusalema Line Dance. She had seen it on <br /> Youtube, this dance is from Africa. She is hoping to have a Zumba instructor lead, this is how <br /> she would like the program to end, everyone coming together in a line dance. She is <br /> desperately working on this and will lead it if she needs to. <br /> Ms. Keliinui asked how the event would be spread out over two hours, as it did not seem as <br /> though there were enough performers. <br /> Mr. Kupferman reiterated a similar thought, then it was decided there would be an <br /> intermission allowing time for a mix and mingle to take place, say hi to your neighbor and <br /> chat with someone you would not normally approach. <br /> Ms. Donovan mentioned activity tables that will be set up for children and people to walk <br /> around and interact. Some will be informational, some will have activities for kids. <br /> Mr. Kupferman mentioned an article in today's paper, the fourteenth of June is the first day of <br /> Communication Question and Answer Week, which ties into this. At intermission he will <br /> explain this, and how meeting people that are different than you and just communicating. You <br /> sign up and answer questions and they connect you with someone who answered completely <br /> different than you. <br /> Mashpee TV will be recording on site. <br /> Chairwoman wanted a dancer, and she saw in The Enterprise about Turning Point Dance <br /> School in Falmouth, they are going to have a program for boys to study ballet. She contacted <br /> them and they are sending 2-3 dancers. <br /> Chairwoman wants to reach out to someone who could do candid photos to have for later. <br /> Ms. Nadeau reminded her of the permissions that will need to be obtained if they will be used <br /> on a platform. <br /> Groups with tables: <br /> - Cape Verdean Museum <br /> - Cultural Center <br /> - Mary Waygan and Lynn Barbie will help kids design buttons <br /> 3 <br />