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�w <br /> Nashyee IncCusion andDiversityCommittee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> - Theresa and Richard Donovan have an art project (multicolored leaves to put <br /> on a tree and people write what how they support Race Amity) The tree could <br /> then be on display at the bank or Chamber of Commerce. <br /> Americore for seniors <br /> - Wildlife Refuge <br /> - Waquoit Estuary <br /> - John Cotton will have the Boy Scouts come and help clean up. <br /> - Stories with easels will be scattered around <br /> Mr. Donovan will pick up the flowers that Attaquin's Nursery is letting MIDC borrow for the <br /> event. <br /> DPW is now involved and Ms. Donovan contacted them because the power has to be turned <br /> on and there are only two outlets that work. The bathrooms will be in the Archive Building so <br /> that needs to be open. <br /> Ms. DeBoer will edit the brochures to include every performer/speaker and she wants to <br /> disseminate to the thousand families she reaches on her weekly Friday e-mail. She didn't see <br /> a ton of additions and she thinks she will be able to condense to one page as inserts will fly <br /> everywhere. <br /> Ms. Keliinui wants to start pushing this on social media as she wanted to wait for today's <br /> meeting. <br /> Chairwoman does not see anything wrong with getting these pamphlets out right now. <br /> The front cover had all the pertinent information and Ms. Nadeau will make a bunch of copies <br /> of the one sheet to disseminate around Town. Chairwoman wants to get something out right <br /> now. <br /> Dr. McManus put Race Amity Day in the Baptist Church bulletin. The Chamber of Commerce <br /> put it in their newsletter last week. The School Store will take the pamphlets. <br /> There will be something on Mashpee TV. Mr. Kupferman will have a press release out to <br /> local papers and radio stations. <br /> Chairwoman contacted the Police Department and if the need is there they will cover traffic. <br /> Cheyenne asked if there are any other volunteers needed as she could get some students to <br /> volunteer. <br /> 4 <br />