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Mashpee Economic Development Industrial Corporation (EDIC) <br /> Minutes —February 23, 2021 <br /> 6:00 PM <br /> ZOOM Meeting <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Carol Sherman, Pamela McCarthy, Patrice Pimental, Robyn Simmons, Glenn <br /> Thompson, Denise Duston <br /> Guest: Evan Lehrer <br /> 1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> Carol Sherman opened the meeting at 6.08 p.m. <br /> 2. Approval of the minutes for January 28, 2020: <br /> Robin moved we approve the minutes, Denise seconded. The committee unanimously <br /> approved the minutes. <br /> 3. Treasurer's report <br /> The EDIC's money market account has a current balance of$305,074.55. The checking <br /> account has $26,445.48. <br /> Since February 2020, the money market interest rate had been going down steadily and is now <br /> down to .01 percent. Robyn thinks we should consider CDs. We should also write a check from <br /> our checking account and put it into our money market account to avoid inactivity fees. (See <br /> forms Robyn sent to plug in updated numbers) <br /> 4. Old Business <br /> Town Planner Update: <br /> Comprehensive Plan: Evan Lehrer talked about the planning department's work in <br /> developing a new comprehensive plan for the town. The last one was done about 20 <br /> years ago. As part of this, he is refining a community engagement action plan with the <br /> planning board, which will involve efforts to build consensus through four workshops for <br /> Mashpee community members, as well as specific stakeholders (such as business <br /> community, the Wampanoag tribe, students, parents, environmental groups, and other <br /> groups), as well as a survey. The goal of the process is to identify qualitative and <br /> quantitative data to help with the comprehensive plan. The planning department already <br /> has earmarked $150,000 already to pay for a professional consultant to help develop <br /> the comprehensive plan. Evan plans to have the RFP for a consulting firm finalized and <br /> published by April 5. The goal is to make the new comprehensive plan clear and <br />