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<br />communicate the town's vision of where it wants to go. This is ideally something the <br />town can refer to when making decisions. <br /> <br />The EDIC can help as a liaison between the planning department, the Chamber, and <br />the business committee. Evan urged the committee to make our friends and neighbors <br />in town aware of this; especially those people who aren't typically engaged in local <br />issues. <br /> <br />• Mashpee Commons: Evan also mentioned that Mashpee Commons' development <br />agreement for its expansion was certified by the Cape Cod Commission; we should <br />expect them to start work soon. The Commission, the town, and the Commons are part <br />of the proposed tripartite agreement. <br /> <br />EDIC Survey for Business: Carol suggested we take a look at the questions we came up with <br />last year and refine them keeping in mind COVID-19. Send Carol ideas for survey questions. <br /> <br />5. New Business <br /> <br />Insurance: The Committee voted unanimously to pay the insurance premium. <br />What is next for the EDIC: <br />• The committee discussed which industries appear to be doing well (real estate, <br />construction); which ones are struggling (hospitality, restaurants). With vaccines and <br />PPP some restaurants, especially those with a takeout option, have managed to do well <br />in the past year. <br />• Job Fair: Although the in-person job fair the committee proposed last year is not <br />possible right now, the committee could create an online job bank. The EDIC will work <br />with the Chamber, get their insight on if businesses are looking for help (especially in <br />the summer) and what kind of help they need. Denise suggested we create a link a link <br />to the Mashpee Chamber website with job listings. The EDIC could maintain the landing <br />page/listing page. This would be especially advantageous since so many students are <br />more likely to check online listings than go to a job fair. <br /> <br />6. Communications and Correspondence: <br /> <br />Open Cape-we need to do that for Mashpee, especially now. Carol will ask them to come to <br />an EDIC meeting and present again. It is likely that remote work and doing business online will <br />continue in some measure in a post-COVID world. <br /> <br />The committee also talked about bringing the Chamber back in for another meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />Next meeting: Tuesday March 30, 2021 at 6:00 PM. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 6:57. <br />Respectfully submitted by Pamela McCarthy <br />