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Mashpee Economic Development Industrial Corporation (EDIC) <br /> Minutes — June 25, 2019 <br /> 6:00 PM <br /> Popponesset Meeting Room <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Carol Sherman, Denise Dutson, Pamela McCarthy, Robyn Simmons, <br /> Absent: Patrice Pimental, Glenn Thompson, Judy Daigneault (recording secretary) <br /> Attending: Evan Lehrer (Town Planner), Mary Waygan (Planning Board), Dennis <br /> Balzarini (Planning Board), Tom O'Hara (Board of Selectmen), Ron Bonvie (Zoning <br /> Board of Appeals), Susan Gable, Marjorie Hecht, Marcia McInnes, Lynne Barbie <br /> 1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> Chair Carol Sherman opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. <br /> 2. New Business <br /> The EDIC started with New Business as there were people coming to the meeting to <br /> learn more about the subject. <br /> Evan Lehrer proposed changes to Section 174-45 of the zoning bylaw titled "Open Space <br /> Incentive Development." The current law only allows the development of two family, <br /> multifamily, or mixed-use property if the parcel(s) have a minimum of 20 acres and a 100-foot <br /> vegetated buffer for mixed use, which would separate the project instead of assimilating it into <br /> the community. He proposed dropping the 20-acre minimum and only requiring parcels of <br /> greater than 20 acres to have dedicated open space. There are a variety of non-subdividable <br /> parcels but they don't meet the 20-acre threshold. He said that if the housing market <br /> constraints are not alleviated, the local and regional economy will be adversely affected. <br /> Mary Waygan said that Mashpee would lose the 0% financing the town gets for wastewater if <br /> we don't have green space, and that the taxpayers would have to bear that burden. She also <br /> brought up the affordable housing requirement, and said the bylaw was written for Mashpee <br /> Commons specifically. Ron Bonvie suggested the town look at smaller parcels and require <br /> they have wastewater treatment. <br /> Carol Sherman mentioned that hotels weren't interested in the available parcels (specifically <br /> the 6.5 acre parcel next to the Community Health Center and Marshall's) as they wanted <br /> waterfront on the Cape. She asked about mixed-use, Even Lehrer said the town would have to <br /> change the zoning for that lot; Mary Waygan she thought that was the case unless the town <br /> kept 4013. <br /> In the discussion about affordable housing, the term "workforce housing" was mentioned by <br /> several people; Mary Waygan said that term is not legally defined and generally refers to <br />