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market rate apartments (which are often not affordable). Ron Bonvie said a good mix of <br /> housing/demographics could be a zero-net cost to the town. He suggested designing <br /> residential developments with a demographic spread that would cover all price points (55+, <br /> lower market rate, affordable), with the income from the units making up for the cost to the <br /> town. Mary Waygan said the tax burden could still be significant; a financial analysis of the <br /> proposed housing in the Commons would net Mashpee $150,060, and that is not taking into <br /> consideration the costs of traffic improvements. <br /> For the lot beside Marshall's and the Community Health Center, Mary Waygan suggest the <br /> town create or change a bylaw for the parcel; while Ron was concerned the HOPA Act make it <br /> difficult, Mary suggested working with Elana Murphy of local initiative program of the <br /> Department of Housing and Community Development. <br /> Other suggestions included looking at an affordable housing trust and sending out a request <br /> for interest. <br /> Mary Waygan and Dennis Balzarini asked why the Planning Board wasn't brought into this <br /> discussion of changing the OSID as there is a fast-approaching deadline to get anything into <br /> the warrant for Town Meeting. Carol Sherman clarified that this was not something that would <br /> be brought before the next Town Meeting. There was supposed to be another meeting <br /> between the Selectman and the towns regulatory boards but due to John Cahalane's death the <br /> meeting didn't happen; it is now scheduled for July 15. <br /> The discussion ended with a suggestion about a study on the population of Mashpee-who lives <br /> here, what they do, what is the town's main industry (retail might be competing with finance <br /> and healthcare). <br /> 3. Treasurer's Report <br /> Robyn Simmons distributed the Treasurer's Report for the month of June and reviewed the <br /> numbers. <br /> 6. Communications and Correspondence <br /> Letter from Mary Lou Palumbo, Executive Director, Mashpee Chamber of Commerce, <br /> thanking the EDIC for sponsoring their dinner. <br /> The Chamber made the EDIC the official sponsor for their event this year. <br /> 7. Approval of the minutes <br /> Denise Dutton had to leave after the new business was discussed and the EDIC no longer had <br /> a quorum. Approval of the March 26, 2019 minutes were tabled. <br /> Next meeting: July 30, 2019 <br />