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Noel le Pin said we should make sure we are working with a developer who can <br /> navigate the state's process and what kinds of funding are available,as well as what is <br /> available at the town level. <br /> Evan Lehrer said there are two steps-transfer of property to trust, and issue an RFP for <br /> a feasibility study. He said we should establish a timeline to manage expectations. Until <br /> we have the results, we are looking at a year to year and a half.Then we can craft an <br /> RFP reflecting the findings of the two committees. We are abouta year and a half away <br /> from those results. It could be three years before a developer is awarded. <br /> Alan Isbitz thoughtwe could have an RFP for a feasibility study done, and the feasi biIity <br /> study, done in a year. <br /> Allan Isbitz talked about the affordable housing landscape in Mash pee. He said the <br /> town has 353 affordable units in town.This is half of the town's 10% goal. The <br /> affordable units include the housing authority, 53 units in Mash pee Commons(including <br /> the 20 units th at th e Commons have not yet built), Mash pee Village, Habitat Homes, <br /> Ash er's Path, Main Street Village, among others. <br /> Allan went over the 2021 income limits for affordable housing ($29K-78K). <br /> Evan suggested we ask the selectman to transfer the property to the affordable housing <br /> trust and to request to authorize town staff to produce an RFP for a feasibility study at <br /> the site with the town manager as chief procurement officer. <br /> Pamela McCarthy moved that the committees ask the selectman to tran sfer th e property <br /> to the affordable housing trustand to request to authorize town staff to produce an RFP <br /> for a feasibility study at the site with the town manager as chief procurement officer. <br /> The motion unanimously passed in both committees. <br /> Next meeting: <br /> June 29, 2021, will be another joint meeting with the Affordable Housing Committee at <br /> 6:30 p.m. It wi I I be i n person with th e option to atten d vi rtu al ly(su ggested by Mel i n da <br /> Baker, as parents of you ng ch ildren may not be able to get ch ildcare). <br />