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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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-2- <br /> who served in the Town of Mashpee. We have all the Town Reports from 1872 to the present; but the <br /> first two are missing. Richard went up to the State Archives, and they do not have them. <br /> School Registers <br /> We have the old school registers of both the North and South Schools in the rare book file, possibly <br /> beginning in 1898. <br /> Open House, October 2021 <br /> Richard feels that we would have to order the plaques and awards to be given out at the Gazebo on <br /> October 11, 1921, fairly soon. Discussed the Liponsky (a land developer, formerly from Mashpee, now <br /> from CA)that donated the three islands in the Mashpee-Wakeby Pond to the Native Land Conservancy. <br /> Rosemary informed us that the names have been changed several times over the years, and we should <br /> look up the original names. We discussed having a food element to this event, and the various <br /> complications involved. We are presently not sure of what the rules are going to be in the fall due to the <br /> new Delta variant of Covid so we are making tentative plans for this event. <br /> Rules for how we protect the items in our collection—for example, we should not be using sticky notes in <br /> our records. We should be using archive cards or writing our notes on paper. Ava would like to set a <br /> group to review proper ways to handle all of our materials. She also mentioned that we should be <br /> thinking of having some of our records digitized by Digital Commonwealth which does not charge for the <br /> service. Another thing she has been thinking of is should be sharing more historical information, maybe <br /> start with a small group—choose different topics, and see what interest there would be. She mentioned <br /> William Apess and the Woodland Riot, and Brian Weeden mentioned that the history meetings that <br /> Richard had organized at the Mashpee Public Library were so well received that it would be good to begin <br /> those again. We did spend some talking about how would we put a dollar value on our two large maps— <br /> 1858 Walling Map and the 1877 Cahoon Map. Rosemary thinks that there were only four copies of the <br /> Walling Map made, and we have one of them. <br /> Ava asked for us to consider a back-up person for some of our functions. She will need a backup person <br /> to sign the timesheet for the clerk in another week. Richard and Nancy offered to go over to the Town <br /> Hall to sign for it while Ava is away for a few weeks in September. Rosemary offered to run a meeting if <br /> she was asked to, or even by Zoom if she was in Florida. <br /> Next meeting will be on Thursday, September 16'h, at 4:OOpm. <br /> A motion was made by Brian Weeden, and seconded by Richard, to adjourn the meeting at 5:29 pm. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ann Graham, Sr. Clerk <br />
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