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[Agenda topic 3] Harbormaster News <br /> Discussion: There were 10 citations written thus far in August, again most involving personal watercraft, <br /> speeding in NO Wake zones or reckless operation. One was a repeat offender. There were also a couple of <br /> expired registrations. <br /> Conclusions: Personal watercraft continue to cause the most problems. <br /> [Agenda topic 4]Cyanobacteria in MW <br /> Lake/Sewering <br /> Discussion: Ashley Fisher has continued to test the area lakes for cyanobacteria weekly. Cell counts in <br /> Mashpee Wakeby Lake continue to drop and are not a threat at this time. Mike Rapacz wrote a letter for <br /> the committee urging the Select Board to move forward the with the Sewering of the lake watershed areas. <br /> Most town residents received a letter from the Town Manager urging them to forego fertilizer use, another <br /> cause of lake degradation. The sewer commission will look at updating the phases of the sewer plan next <br /> week. <br /> Conclusions: The lake contained negligible bacteria during this testing period. <br /> [Agenda topic 51 Wakeby Islands Swim areas <br /> Discussion: Ramona Peters of the Native Land Conservancy has purchased the swim buoys to mark off <br /> the area around the three islands to prevent landing of power boats. They are not available now and it <br /> appears it will not be possible to put them out until next season. There was loud music from Keith Island <br /> this past weekend where boaters were encamped. <br /> Conclusions: The swim buoys will not be put out until next season. <br /> {Agenda topic 61 Paul Bibo is new member of <br /> MWLMC <br /> Discussion: The committee welcomed Paul Bibo as our newest member. He was appointed by the Select <br /> Board at their August 9t" meeting. <br /> Conclusions: Paul Bibo is our newest member. <br /> {Agenda topic 7} Save Mashpee Wakeby Pond <br /> Alliance <br /> Discussion: A new group has been formed made up of property owners surrounding the lakes from both <br /> Mashpee and Sandwich. Paul Bibo and Vivian Sun volunteered to pass our door hangers for the Alliance <br /> introducing the alliance and looking for participation in their Swim/picnic event on Sunday September <br /> 12t". They were also encouraging support for the lake study of Mashpee Wakeby coming up at the Fall <br /> Town Meeting and for people to reduce run off from their property. <br /> Conclusions: A new group has been formed to help protect the lakes. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> pp <br />