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07/24/2019 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
07/24/2019 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> DULY 24,2019 <br /> 413 Nathan Ellis Highway (Route 151): Petitioner, Industria Development Group, Inc. <br /> requests Variance relief under §174-31 (front yard setback of 75' from paper road), §174- <br /> 31 FN.14(natural state buffer), §174-37(location of parking), §174-27.2.B2(c),and§174- <br /> 82.A.4 (use of drywells), §174-41 (m) (Landscaping within parking area),. and §174-40 <br /> (access way separation (possibly) to allow for construction of a 9,975 sq. ft. retail use <br /> building together with accessory parking on property located in a C-2 Zoning District, <br /> (Map 72 Parcel 56A),Mashpee,MA. (Owner of record:Robert A. Lebewohl Family Trust <br /> 1980). <br /> Attorney Kevin Kirrane represented Industrial Development Group who owns the property <br /> situated on Ninigret Ave and Nathan Ellis Highway (Rte. 151). The property was the <br /> former site of the Cherrystones Restaurant that burned down in early 2007, and nothing <br /> has been built on that site since the fire.The vacant lot consist of approximately 51,000 sq. <br /> ft. A significant portion of the lot remains stripped of any growth being the location of the <br /> former restaurant building. The lot is unique to other sites in the C-2 Zoning District <br /> because it is bordered on two sides by Ninigret Ave and Nathan Ellis Highway,and a paper <br /> road called Wampanoag Avenue which has never been built. The lot is transected by the <br /> Water Protection District,which limits the types of uses allowed on the site. — <br /> Attorney Kirrane made a correction stating the size of the building is actually 9,993 sq. ft. <br /> The building itself is a rectangular shaped single story structure. The building will largely <br /> consist of a retail and storage space with two bathrooms and a small employee area. There <br /> is a proposed access from Ninigret, and access onto Rte. 151. <br /> The property is situated in the C-2 Zoning District which is in a commercial zone, and has <br /> certain criteria that was adopted after the lot was created. The initial restaurant use was - <br /> created as well,and as a result requires variance relief.There is a front yard setback request <br /> from the paper road which will never be constructed. The project meets the 75 ft. setback <br /> from Ninigret, and Rte. 151,but does not meet the 75 ft. from the paper road. <br /> Ron asked how long the paper road consisted on the lot.Attorney Kirrane said it runs along <br /> the whole length of the lot.It could be shown on an old land court plan,and unless someone <br /> is going to build the road,it will never be used. <br /> Jonathan wanted to know who owns the road now. Attorney Kirrane said it is part of the <br /> lot that is under agreement.Ron said that there could be rights of passage from the abutter. <br /> Attorney Kirrane said the owner would have to go to land court, and research the abutters. <br /> Ron is concerned about the possibility of ownership to that paper road. It's very costly to <br /> research in land court, and that is the reason for the request for the 75 ft. variance relief. <br /> The building is designed so it conforms to the side yard setback,so it will meet the setback <br /> if that line is considered the side yard. <br /> 12 <br />
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