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07/24/2019 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
07/24/2019 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> JULY 24,2019 <br /> Jonathan asked if it will be flowing into a swale.Mr.King said there is a regulation waiver <br /> if there are dry wells. He believes that is geared towards leaching catch basins that over a <br /> period of time without proper maintenance and without any kind of first line of defense has <br /> the tendency to clog up and becomes a maintenance nuisance,and a potential safety hazard. <br /> This is a little different because it's a subsurface infiltration system that has a couple of <br /> first lines of defense. Because it is closer to the ground water protection district,there's a <br /> requirement of a certain level of pretreatment before it's actually infiltrated, and so there's <br /> a series of deep sump catch basins that send into a water quality inlet which further treats <br /> it before being discharged into the subsurface infiltration.Although there is a request for a <br /> waiver, he believes it is somewhat comparing apples and oranges. He believes that it was <br /> resonated during the Plan Review last week with Glen from the Board of Health said that <br /> he understands the situation with a split difference with the lot in the district.He said Glen <br /> prefers the proposed infiltration system because it provides that extra level of treatment. <br /> Ron asked about the storm test design. Mr. King said that it was designed for the 100 year <br /> storm. Ron asked if there were test holes performed on the site because of the prior usage <br /> being a restaurant.Mr.King said;yes test holes where done with the septic system in mind <br /> and also with the understanding of the subsurface. Ron asked if a 21 E was performed.Mr. <br /> King said he does not believe a 21E was performed because it was a restaurant use and -- <br /> innocuous use. Mr. King said that they have to follow certain protocol for the demolition <br /> of the site, It will be controlled construction. The site has been designed on a grading <br /> standpoint to meet existing grades, so there is not a huge export of material. If there was <br /> anything encountered it could be handled locally. It could be dealt with outside of the <br /> district with an AUL,onsite if something was encountered.But more than likely everything <br /> would be abandoned in place or punched in the bottom. Mr. King said that there was a <br /> Phase 1 performed on the site, and it came back with a negative determination. <br /> Jonathan asked if he could have a copy of that determination. Ron said as one member,he <br /> would like Charlie Rowley to review for the Board. <br /> Jonathan asked if all the variance requests were discussed. Attorney Kirrane said that <br /> there's the request for a Special Permit for the building construction on the site. A retail <br /> use is an allowed use.He said that Dollar Tree is interested in occupying the building, and <br /> will be the only tenant which is an allowed use with the C-2 Zoning District. He does not <br /> believe the development of the site would propose any significant public health or safety <br /> concerns, or create ground water, air quality, wildlife habitat, traffic safety, or waterway <br /> concerns, or adverse impact on neighboring properties. It is a retail use and is an allowed <br /> use. He believes this qualifies for Special Permit relief with the criteria set forth in the <br /> bylaw. <br /> 14 <br />
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