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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> DECISION FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT <br /> Petitioner, Bridgestone Development, Inc. <br /> (Owner of record: Faith J. Baptiste, Trustee of the <br /> Cushman Brownie Trust <br /> 9 Shellback Way(Map 81 Parcel 132) <br /> Mashpee,MA 02649 <br /> SP-2019-37 <br /> Attorney Kirrane represented the applicant, along with Matt Costa, Cape&Islands <br /> Engineering. They supplied a revised landscape plan depicting the natural state buffer that <br /> abuts Rte. 28. This plan now shows the larger trees will remain in front of the property, <br /> and the applicant is seeking the opportunity to manage the understory that is in the buffer <br /> area. The plan also shows the improved landscaping surrounding the proposed building. In <br /> addition, Attorney Kirrane contacted the representative with Rockland Trust for purposes <br /> of discussing any concerns that they articulated in their email that was submitted to the <br /> Board. Based upon those conversations with Rockland Trust, the requests were satisfied <br /> and will satisfy any concerns they have relative to the mutual use of the Rockland Trust <br /> drive area that is also part of the access to the property. <br /> Attorney Kirrane said he reached out to the management company of the <br /> condominium association for purposes to cooperate and work with them by putting <br /> together a plan that they thought might work relative to paying a fair share of the <br /> maintenance of Shellback Way. In addition,there were some concerns raised by one of the <br /> Town departments regarding vehicles cutting through utilizing this access onto Rte. 28 to <br /> get around the traffic light on Shellback Way. The Attorney said that they improved the <br /> plan depicting speed tables to slow down traffic that will go through this site. Attorney <br /> Kirrane believes these concerns were addressed. He said that Matt Costa spoke to the Fire <br /> Chief and confirmed that the access onto Rte. 28 has the adequate turning radius for fire <br /> trucks to access the property. <br /> Chairman Furbush asked what the status was with a curb cut permit from the State. <br /> Matt Costa said that it will require a curb cut permit with Mass DOT. He said they are <br /> unable to proceed with any applications until they have local approvals. He said they had <br /> a preliminary discussion about the proposal, but was told the local approvals need to be in <br /> place prior to a curb cut. <br /> Chairman Furbush mentioned one of the concerns listed on the email from <br /> Rockland Trust regarding the vehicles that will be entering and leaving through the new <br /> curb cut. Matt mentioned that he had a conversation with Mr. Carroll and the developer, <br /> and they would prefer that any construction activity moves through the site by that curb <br /> cut, however that curb cut is a right turn in only, and right turn out. So any trucks that <br /> would be taking a left would need to go out the access through Shellback Way. But <br /> construction traffic would utilize that curb cut. Matt said there will be daily maintenance <br /> of the driveway keeping it swept and clean for any customers. <br /> 2 <br />