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16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts o2649 <br />Mashpee Planning Board <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 7:OOPM <br />Mashpee Town Hall - Waquoit Meeting Room <br />16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, Ma 02649 <br />APPROVED 11/03/2021 <br />Broadcast Live on Local Channel 18 <br />Call -in Conference Number: (508)-539-1400 x 8585 <br />Streamed Live on the Town of Mashpee website -13 <br />Present: Chairman John Fulone, Jack Phelan, Mary Waygan, Dennis Balzarini, Robert (Rob) Hansen <br />Also Present: Evan Lehrer — Town Planner <br />Absent: Joseph Callahan <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Chairman Fulone called the meeting of the Planning Board to order at 7:OOPM. The Pledge of <br />Allegiance was recited. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES — October 06, 2021 <br />Mr. Lehrer had a comment regarding a motion made relative to the Zoning Article recommendations for <br />Town Meeting. Mr. Lehrer would like the record to reflect Mr. Callahan's vote be recognized as a "yes" <br />vote. He recalls there being competing motions and the play back was inconclusive, but he recalls in <br />the moment it being a "yes" as clarification had been given to Board member. It would be his <br />suggestion the record reflect a "yes" vote from Mr. Callahan and not a "default/take no action" vote. <br />MOTION: <br />Ms. Waygan makes a motion to approve the minutes for October 06, 2021 as amended. Mr. <br />Balzarini seconded. All in favor. Mr. Phelan abstained. <br />PUBLIC DISCUSSION <br />No comments this evening. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Request by Longfellow Design Build to withdraw without prejudice its Special Permit <br />application for a retail grocery store at 647 Falmouth Road / 9 Shellback Way. <br />Mr. Lehrer received a request from the developer interested in building the retail grocery store. The <br />Board will be seeing them back here. The applicants scoping memo relative to their traffic study was <br />deemed inadequate. At the request of the Cape Cod Commission, they need to address this prior to <br />submitting their application for DRI. They are unable to do this as a result of the traffic memo. The <br />