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16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />applicant is facing a regulatory denial without prejudice and is withdrawing for the purpose of <br />reapplying. The Board needs to accept the withdrawal. <br />Mr. Lehrer will make sure abutters are notified. <br />MOTION: <br />Ms. Waygan makes a motion to allow the applicant to withdraw their application without <br />prejudice. Mr. Phelan seconded. All in favor. <br />Vote to set Public Hearing date for an application made by Southworth Mashpee Properties LLC <br />to modify its Special Permit and amend a definitive subdivision. <br />Mr. Lehrer put two Public Hearing notices in the packets. One is to amend the Willowbend Special <br />Permit. The second is to amend the applicable definitive subdivision plan. Both need to be amended <br />accordingly pursuant to their request. He suggests one begin at 7:10p.m. and one begin at 7:15p.m. <br />You can roll one preceding into the second timeslot, both need to be advertised, and whichever goes <br />first does not matter. Proceedings and comments get rolled together. November 17t" is the suggested <br />date. <br />Everyone agreed November 17t" works. <br />Mr. Lehrer also brought up the potential joint meeting with the Affordable Housing Committee on the <br />17t". He wanted to note the deadlines won't be missed if the hearings get pushed off until December. <br />Ms. Waygan would like to have both on November 171". She would like to prioritize the Public Hearings. <br />Mr. Phelan would like to do both, he does not see this taking long. <br />Mr. Lehrer provided some background, this is to modify an already approved subdivision. One lot was <br />restricted as a box turtle habitat. The restriction has been removed by the State and is no longer <br />mapped as a box turtle habitat. They plan on rolling that lot into the subdivision. A road has been laid <br />out and drainage has been reviewed and approved by the Board. The Board will contemplate to allow <br />the additional building lot. <br />MOTION: <br />Ms. Waygan makes a motion to schedule a Public Hearing on November 17, 2021 at 7:10p.m. to <br />consider an application from the Southworth Mashpee Properties, to modify the Willowbend <br />Country Club Special Permit, pursuant to Mass. General Laws c. 40A. Seconded by Mr. <br />Balzarini. All in favor. <br />MOTION: <br />Ms. Waygan makes a motion to schedule a Public Hearing on November 17, 2021 at 7:15p.m. to <br />consider modifying the definitive subdivision of land located at 178-184 Quinaquisset Ave., <br />Mashpee. Seconded by Mr. Balzarini. All in favor. <br />