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[Agenda topic 3] Harbormaster News <br /> Discussion: Harbormaster boats have been removed from the lake as well as the dock at 20 Melissa used <br /> by one of the boats. No Wake markers were discussed. Each cost $2500. Bigger print on the signs may <br /> still be too small for unfamiliar boaters. Don will discuss with waterways whether there might be funds <br /> available for larger signs. Education at the ramp from an attendant or flyers are a possibility. Private <br /> property owners on the Narrows might put up signs on their own property. <br /> Conclusions: The boating season is coming to a close. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Bacteria Testing in MW Lake <br /> Discussion: Testing for cyanobacteria was completed for the season on October 20"'. Levels remained <br /> low. Testing is expected to begin again in April. <br /> There was concern a couple of weeks ago about a brown water discoloration in the Wakeby lake, but this <br /> occurs each fall when the diatoms bloom. <br /> Conclusions: Testing will resume in April <br /> [Agenda topic 5] Article 16 Town Meeting <br /> Discussion: Town meeting members on October 18"', overwhelmingly approved funding the study of the <br /> lake, with transfer of$350,000 from available funds. Ashley shared her thorough proposal of what the 2-3 <br /> year study would include. The proposal will go out to bid. The action-oriented study will create a <br /> management plan for the lake and help the town get grants from the State. The town will receive interim <br /> reports on the study and act on items as they are found. It is hoped the study will start in the spring. <br /> Conclusions: The lake study passed at Town meeting, and the process has begun. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />