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• <br />• <br />• <br />MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 <br />MEETING MINUTES <br />These new additions.will create an accessible bathroom. The lot coverage is currently 2,760 <br />sq. ft. which represents 24.42% lot coverage. The proposal is for 2,750 sq. ft. (10 square <br />feet less than current conditions), or 24.33% lot coverage. This relief can be granted which <br />permits alterations and changes to pre-existing, non -conforming structures. <br />Mr. Goldstein asked if the cantilever over the garage is the same footprint that currently <br />exists. Mr. Capone said; "yes". Ron said the plot plan depicts the flood elevation as "AE <br />EL 13", but on the existing house, the first floor elevation shows 12.7'. Mr. Capone said <br />he is raising the foundation 1'. 4", and will be slightly over 13 ft. Mr. Bonvie and Mr. <br />Blaisdell said the plan should be corrected. Mr. Furbush wants an updated plan. Mr. <br />Goldstein said it will also change the roof. Mr. Capone said the height on the building is <br />accurate on the plan. <br />Mr. Bonvie read the Inspection Department comments into the record; "The area is zoned <br />R3 and is in the Pre -contact Archaeology Sensitivity area — listed as "Moderate <br />Sensitivity". This project is also within the AE Flood Zone. All work shall conform to the <br />MA State Building Code requirements for construction within an AE Flood Zone. The <br />applicant is seeking a Written Finding under Article V § 174-17 to determine if the removal <br />of an existing home, but keeping the original foundation which is to be used to reconstruct <br />a new home on said foundation would be more non -conforming. The applicant is also <br />looking to add two (2) additions onto the property. Both of these additions appear to be <br />closer than 50 feet to the salt marsh located to the rear of the property. This may be <br />violation of § 174-3 — Setback from water and wetlands. Also, the rear deck; which I am <br />not sure if it is existing or proposed - is also closer than 50 feet to the salt marsh. Because <br />neither of these additions and the deck (if new to the site) had asked for relief from § 174- <br />3 — the Board may not be able to rule on this for it was not requested by the applicant and <br />thus not properly advertised." <br />Mr. Kirrane said the existing building is a non -conforming structure. The permission is to <br />alter a change to a pre-existing, non -conforming structure, and not increasing the non - <br />conformities. He is maintaining the same front yard setback, and the same side yard <br />setback. The existing deck is only 12 feet from the wetlands, and not violating the 50 ft. <br />setback if already at 12, under §174-17. The addition is much further away than the deck <br />is currently, and will be built over the existing deck. <br />Mr. Forbush read the Conservation Commission comments into the record; 161 Daniels <br />Island project was approved by the commission with no issues. Mr. Blaisdell read the <br />Board of Health comments into the record: "Septic inspection required due to <br />additions/change in footprint of foundation. Septic good for three bedrooms. Proposed <br />floor plans show three bedrooms. OK. <br />Mr. Capone said he calculated the new topo floor elevation as 14.36. <br />3 <br />