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01/04/2012 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
01/04/2012 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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r� <br /> unanimous consent from Planning Board members to establish the Mashpee Green Park <br /> Subcommittee. Mr. Fudala stated that the subcommittee would be subject to the Open Meeting Lave <br /> requiring posted meetings and recorded minutes. Mr. Kooha6an, Mr. B imini and tentatively, <br /> Chairman wayga.n, agreed t serve on the subcommittee. Mr. Fudala will staff.the subcom- nu'tt e. <br /> Chairman Waygan recommended that a date be set for a meeting and that a press release be drafted <br /> in order to invite members of the public to attend. It was determined that the first meeting would <br /> take place on January 18 at 7 p.m. The Chair-recommended that Doug Storrs receive a copy of the <br /> press release. Mr. Fudala agreed to post the meeting. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 7:10 Applicant: Mash pee Industrial Realty,LLC <br /> Location: 168 Industrial Dave Assessors' Map 88, Block 5) <br /> Request: Modification of Special Permit to add additional alloyed uses <br /> The appointed time having arrived, the Chair opened the public hearing and read for the record the <br /> request. Kevin Kirrane spoke as a represenmve of Mashpee Industrial Realty and summarized the <br /> story of the building's permitting. In 2006,the Planning Board issued a Special Permit to <br /> construct a 45,814 square foot building with accompanying parking, for a variety of uses allowable <br /> by the industrial district. The initial intent was to develop the property with 13 individual wits or <br /> bays varying from ,0 0- ,000 square feet. Due to the economy, no tenants had moved into the <br /> property. A 2009Special Permit modification resulted in the creation of an artisan showroom, <br /> although no tenant leased the property. The building remained vacant until last year when a local <br /> business,involved with storing and shipping cosmetic products leased space at the facility. In <br /> October 200 , Town fleeting modified the Zoning Bylaws allowing certain additional uses with <br /> Special Permit relief granted by the Planning Board. <br /> Mr- Iirrne indicated that the current request seeks a modification to the Special Permit to allow <br /> use as a gymnasium studio, as well as contractor gays and plumbingeletrial. Kathy Twomey, <br /> owner of Flip Flops Gymnastics, was also present at the meeting. Flip Flops will provide - <br /> instruction in gymnastics to children in the afternoon and evening hours and no parking issues were <br /> anticipated. 11r. Kirrane noted that, although there was not currently a tenant for the contractor <br /> bags, interest had been expressed in previous years. Mr. Kirrane stated that he had been before the <br /> .Design Review Committee who suggested that the automotive repair use may not be an appropriate <br /> fit. Mr. Kirrane stated that his client was prepared to withdraw the request for the automotive repair <br /> use. Additional tenants were expected to lease the building and were in agreement that automotive <br /> repair would not be an appropriate use. Larry Devine, contractor for the construCtion of`the <br /> building, was, lso present at the.meeting.- <br /> Mr. Balarini referenced the con .ctor bags use and expressed concern about large trucks being left <br /> in front of the building. Mr. Kinane responded that there was plenty of parking available in the rear <br /> of the building. Mr. Dal arini indicated his preference that a condition be added that would require <br /> that contractor trucks, with the company name on it and larger than a van, be parked behind the <br /> building. Mr. Petersen expressed concern about creating an additional burden to contracting <br /> companies, particularly security concerns if the truck contained costly tools. Mr. Kirrane stated that <br /> the condition would be placing a restriction on the building that had not been placed on other <br /> buildings. Mr. Virrane added that every effort was made to ensure that the building was tastefully <br /> created. fir. Balzarini indicated that similar restrictions were required of buildings on Route 130 <br /> and reiterated his concern that companies might use large vehicles for advertising purposes. Mr. <br /> 2 <br />
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