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r <br /> Masbpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> May 16, 2012 at :30 p.m. <br /> Selectmen's Meeting Roorn, Nfashpee'Town Hall <br /> Planning Board Members Present: Chairman Mary waygan, Clerk George Petersen, Dennis <br /> lalzarim*' David Kooharian <br /> Also Present: Torn Fudala-Town Planner <br /> Absent: Vice Chair Joe Mullin <br /> Workshop Attendees: Scott L.ajoie, Devan Atanian, Ann Talbot, Sam Kooharian <br /> CALL To ORDER <br /> The Town of Masbpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Selectmen's <br /> Meeting Room at 1 iashpee Town Hall by Chairman Waygan at 630 p.m. on Wednesday, May <br /> 161 2012 and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited_ <br /> WORKSHOP <br /> Discussion of Green Parks Proposal <br /> Ir. Koharian surnrnarizd the recent walk of Trout Pond that took plane on May 5 in order to <br /> consider ideas for nature trails, a dog park and the Childr n's Museum. A determination was <br /> made that the property would be Drell-suited for such uses_ It was suggested that proposal plans <br /> be drafted in order to raise support-for a Green Parks establishment in Mhe . Chairman <br /> wa rgan reported that 15 people participated in the.walk, which,included parties interested in a <br /> dog park, members of the Mashpee Environmental Coalition as well as residents from 1 lashpee. <br /> Mr. - + expressed his preference to walk the entire pond to better view the topography, <br /> noting that tick activity prevented them from doing so and recommended an additional walk <br /> during the winter. Mr. Eal arim' suggested the possibility of connecting to the trails associated <br /> with Mashpee River and South Cape Beach., Chairman Waygan distributed visuals of the parcel, <br /> including a map from the EPA website identifying the par el's proximity to the schools, <br /> Mashpee Commons' map of wallcing travel times depicted the amount of lime It would take to <br /> access areas, such as to minutes watEng time to Trout Pond. The Chair also included the <br /> 1 iashpee River Woodlands trail map, Natural Heritage neap and the flood zone map. There was <br /> discussion regarding removal of parcels from Natural Heritage at the request of petitioning <br /> developers who had conducted surveys. There was also discussion about the flood zone and <br /> need for a 100 foot setback. Chairman Waygan referenced the Five-Year Action Plan and the <br /> map which highlighted Trout Pond as a proposed open space acquisition. The Chair <br /> recommended putting together more information about Blowing Rock,NC and Mr. Kooharian <br /> noted the similarities between Ma.shpee and Mowing Rock. <br /> k. <br /> Sam I ooharian shared a teen perspective, noting the benefits of having a park system in close <br /> proximity to the center of'town. Mr. S. Kooh.aria.n highlighted the trails, sports equipment and <br /> facilities, fields and gazebos, but with the option to make purchases t the nearby town center. <br /> Mr. S. I ooharian indicated that it would be a good plan for kids to utilize after school noting <br /> that most teenagers tend to hang out at home. fir.-Iooharian emphasized the need for a place <br /> for bids to congregate but in a location that would not be isolated. Chairman waygan agreed that <br /> a central location where kids would be welcome would be beneficial to Mashpee, Devan <br /> 1 <br />