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i <br /> undefined term, Mr. Fudala stated that it was-a policy and ". , .within the 1 -gear flood plain . . <br /> ." could be-removed. The second sentence was also noved, referencing landward minion. <br /> Regarding Policy 39, Mr. Petersen felt that he did not have a good understanding of the <br /> definition of coastal storm flowage and expressed conger about activity withinthe A and v <br /> Zones increasing the velocity of flood waters. Mr. Rowley clarified that land sabject to coastal <br /> storm flowage was a portion of the land shown on the Flood Zone Maps as being in the A or v <br /> Zane. There was discussion about the policy. Mr. Rowley felt that the policy was representative <br /> of redirected flowage that could cause damage to another property and was related to substantial <br /> actions by a homeowner. Mr. Kooharian noted that it could become more problematic given sea <br /> level rise. Mr. Rowley y suggested than the policy could remain since it would require <br /> Conservation filing. Regarding policy 40, it was suggested that". . . ewer on or off site . . ." be <br /> removed. <br /> BOARD ITEMS <br /> Old Business <br /> Discussion of Greenw ys Proposal/Ala tepee Commons-The Clair met with I r. <br /> ohar n and Mr. Fudala to discuss the proposal. 11r_ Iooharian reworked the text and it was <br /> noted that there-would be a greater reliance on maps to illustrate the proposal. There will be an <br /> additional meeting on Monday and the document will be available to review at the-next meeting. <br /> ashpee Commons will be contacted once the plan is in plane. <br /> Affordable Housing Plan and Incluslomny Bow-Mr. Fudala was working t <br /> incorporate Ills. Msford's comments into the Affordable Housing Flan to be reviewed by the <br /> Affordable Dousing Committee at their August 7th meeting, with the.h that it would then b <br /> reviewed by the'Board on the 15 the Selectmen on the 20 . The marked up <br /> document will be emailed in advance of the meeting to be reviewed by Board members. <br /> Military Civdian Communit ► CounciVMAM Joint Land Use Study JLUS <br /> No update <br /> New Business <br /> C. Rowley Expense Vouchers-Sou-thport enguxxnng expense in the amount o and <br /> regular planning board business expense in the amount o $290. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal arini made a motion to pay the voucher for Charlie Howley in the <br /> amount of 85 for Southport en tneering. Mr. Petersen seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. . <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to pay the Planning Board expenses for S2 o for <br /> the Community Healthcare review and meeting attendance. Mir.I ooh ri n seconded the <br /> motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> WATERWAYS LICENSES <br /> None at this time <br /> • <br />