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that one would see less of a slope when approaching the buildings. Adjustments were made t <br /> improve some areas for drainage and a leaching pit was enhanced with rip rap. one pump <br /> station had been removed from the end of Twin oaks. Mr.Rowley stated that a pathway the <br /> end of Twin oafs leading to the pond would require switchbacks to avoid problems with <br /> erosion, and a note on the plan stated that Southport would address the issue in that way. Mr- <br /> Bonvie added that the Conservation Commission would address and be involved with the issue. <br /> Other drainage issues.addressed included relocng a leaching pit, interconnecting-the pits and a <br /> cross connector between catch basins. Mr. Rowley stated that Southport addressed all issues and <br /> .recommended that the request be approved. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Ba arini wade a motion to approve the plan, dated July d'201 , as <br /> presented for Grey hawk Drive and Twin oak Drive. Mr.Koobarian seconded-the <br /> motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair signed the plans. <br /> 1r. Bonvie presented landscaping plans for Chadwick Court Building-3 1. The original <br /> conditions for the approval of the construction of the end unit building required that, prior to <br /> la-ndscaping the building, a new landscape plan was to be submitted to the Plarming Board, due <br /> to the length and layout of the driveways. Mr. Bonvie noted that the plans allowed space for <br /> snorer removai, adding that there was sAmuxtially more plantings than the other buildings. Mr. <br /> Rowley referenced the last driveway on the right 'mqumng whether the driveway would extend <br /> straight a bit prior to making the turn. Mr. Bonvie responded that he believed the plans were as- <br /> built, noting that the turn was an efl~ort to move away from the hydrants. Mr. Rowley suggested <br /> that a homeowner backing out of the garage would likely move close to the right hand edge. Mr. <br /> Rowley ll review the driveway during his next visit Southport. There were no additional <br /> comments. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to approve the landscaping plans for Building 31 <br /> on Chadwick Court. Mr. Petersen seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair signed the plans. <br /> o11 R R NSIVB PLAN <br /> Continued review of Coastal Resources Element, Policies and Possible Action Plan Items <br /> Adopted 1998 Coals,objectives Policies & Action Plan <br /> 011 Regional Policy Plan Coal Resoumes sections <br /> Town Planner recommended an eudments <br /> Chairman vayg ,n began reading the Coastal resources element, beginning with Policy 35. <br /> There was consent for Policies 35 and _ Mr. Fudala pointed out that Policy 37 and beyond <br /> were suggested polices based on the standards from the Cape Cod Commission's new Regional <br /> Policy Plan- Mr. Rowley inquired about the new policies, without guidelines or regulations <br /> being added to zoning. Mr. I oohmian inquired about Ling faux copies of buildings and the <br /> possibility of excluding new ideas. It was remmmended thaat". . . reflect the traditional maritime <br /> character and/or architecture typical of the area and sha1L . ." in Policy 37. The Board expressed <br /> concern about Policy 38 because it included reference to the 10-year flood plan, which was an <br /> 2 <br />