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The Chair signed the plans. The Chair referenced fir. Petersen's. eel regarding the location of <br />the privacy fences. Ms. Gardner reported that the fences had been installed. <br />MOTION: Mr. Mnmade a motion for a roH call vote to place the hero on the agenda. <br />Mr. Bal arini seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Mr. Muffin -yes, Mr. B ring -yes, <br />Chairman waygan-yes, Mr. i ooha.rian-yes <br />Ms. Gardner stated that if the fence were located higher on the hilly they would not be able to <br />maintain the landscaping since the property line would have been located behind the fence. I <br />was agreed, in discussidn wxth the I fills family, that the fence be located on the line with the <br />trees. The fence was 8 feet and the Mills were thridled with the results. The Chair asked that Ms. <br />Gardener submit documentation regarding the fencing so that it would be part of the file for <br />future reference. The 9 19 I2 Site Plan Modification Vision was signed by Mr. Ko h rian- <br />Applicant: Southport on Gape Cod Condominium Association, Inc. <br />Location: Southport retirement condos <br />Request; Signature of Minor Modification of Final Site Development Plan regarding <br />revised entrance design approved -1-1 <br />Mr. Bonvie was continuing to work on drainage issues and requested a continuance. fir. Fudala <br />ill add Southport to the next agenda, <br />MOTION: Mr. rini made a motion to move Southport to October 1 �b at 7:10 p.m. <br />Notion seconded. AU voted unanimously. <br />Mr. I ooharian signed the 9 19 12 I minor Modification of Final Site Development Plan. <br />COMTRE NS11VE PLAID <br />Ir. Fudala will be identifying the next chapter to be reviewed. Mr. Fudala was awaiting a <br />response regarding the status of Solid and Hazardous waste. <br />BOAS ITEMS <br />Old Business <br />Discussion of Greenways Proposal/ DraftPropowd Document -Mr. I ooharian <br />reported that a meeting occurred with the Board of Setwhere there was support expressed <br />for the rrecnway Proposal. It was recom that a three -tiered approach be utilized for the <br />Greenway and the Board of Selectmen recommended gig started with Phase 1. Mr. Bal arini <br />inquired whether there was discussion regarding liability. It was noted that 1lashpee Commons <br />would be loolang further into the issue. S l G ara had recommended consideration o <br />the Southwest quadrant closest to the high school .since the Town was in possession of land in <br />the area. Mr. Fudala added that there- were some concerns about road crossings in other areas. <br />There was some dismission regarding a future crossing at the Route headed to <br />y <br />I I nnis. Mr. Kooi n referenced the design of the Monte 1 9 t r located near wit in <br />Barnstable. The Chair and Mr. I ooharr n will continue to meet with Mr. Fudala and Mr. Storrs. <br />Mashpee Commons -Discussed above. <br />4 <br />