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Mr. Fudala reported that the tower was ahrady in place and that the request involved adding <br /> three antennas to the tower. There was vmneAt that.a public hearing was not necessary as it <br /> was located ire an industrial area and would have no impact to abutters. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion that the request did net requimi a public hearing. <br /> Mr. Mullin seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The item will be added to the December 'b agenda. <br /> Applicant: Southport on Cape Cod Condominium Association,Inc. <br /> Vocation: Southport retirement condos <br /> Request: discussion of results"tree walk" held on October 26, 2012 for buildings 56, <br /> 7, 58, 59, 64 and 65 in Phase III <br /> Mr. Fudala drafted a memo regarding the recent tree wak'incox poi attng Mr. l o rl 's <br /> comments. Southport engineers have since differed with some aspects of the memo and Mr. <br /> lonvie has asked to discuss the memo at the next mpg. <br /> Dino's Modification to outdoor S atffg Area <br /> MOTION Mr.Mullin made a motion by roll call Grote to add the item to the agenda. fir. <br /> Bal arini seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Mr.Muffin-yes,Mr. BF, <br /> Chairman waygan-yes,Mr. Petersen-yes,Mr.I yes <br /> There was discussion regarding the last time that a change was proposed and it was noted that <br /> there had been no complaints. fir. Fudala shared the plans, noting Dino"s intention to add a bar, <br /> barbecue pit and lire pit with a retrwtable awning covering the area. There would be no change <br /> in size and it was noted that Planning Review would consider the request and comments could <br /> then be forwarded to the Planning Board. Manning Board member were in agreemew that <br /> public hearing would be unnecesmy. It was noted that there had been no complaints during the <br /> 1 ast two years. ' <br /> MOTION: fir.Balzarini made a motion that the request did not need a public hearing. <br /> Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> COMIPRE NSA PLAN <br /> • Land Use& Growth Management-The Chair tabled conversation about the Comprehensive <br /> Plan until the next meeting. <br /> BOAR CMS <br /> Old Business <br /> Discussion of Greenways Proposal!Draft Proposal Document-Mr. Kooharian <br /> reported that.he was interviewed for the radio by WQRC regarding the status of the project. Mr. <br /> Iooharian and the Chair will be meeting with Mr. Fudala regarding the Greenways proposal on <br /> November 2 1. <br /> 1 lashpee Commons-No update <br /> 2 <br />