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Mike I ad ika, representative for the developer explained the buildings were originally <br /> approved further back and those trees were not going to be sacred. <br /> En'-'c explained the plans were modified in order to save some trees; if they are not going to be <br /> sacred, developers will have to do something. <br /> Mike said they understand and will be replaced with,something, members discussed replacing <br /> with evergreens. <br /> Beverly explained they should keep a count of those trees which cannot be saved and replace the <br /> same number. <br /> Mike will get the as built plans to the Board and to Charlie Rowley r immediately. <br /> The representative from the homeowners association said the pest office discussion will not be <br /> the Board until April. The Post office does not want boxes,sc tiered about the <br /> development, wants them all in one.location. The Association is thinking about locating it near <br /> the clubhouse. <br /> I etm" g.adjour ed at 12-:'05 p.m. <br /> Mm' utes submitted by Arden I . Cadrin <br />