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Mr. Megathlin introduced Mr. Talanian. Owner of the President of Talanian <br /> Realty; David Coughlin, Chief Operating Officer; Melmnda Gallant, On-Site Property <br /> Manager; and Matthew Eddy, Baxter Nye Engineering& Surveying. <br /> There was brief discussion regarding proposed pedestrian and traffic safety <br /> measures to be taken on Commercial Street in front of Roche Bros. Safety concerns <br /> were raised by the vice- h irrn n. Mr. Megathlin agreed that new sidewalks; curbs, <br /> crosswalks, and striping of the parking spaces will prove to be a major benefit for South <br /> Cape village. (However, the Cone-nerci l Street project was not on the agenda.) <br /> Reference was made to a plan entitled; "Joy Street Minor Modification to Special <br /> Permit South Cape 'pillage, l lashpee, MA, C. Talanian Realty Co., Inc., by Baxter Nye <br /> Engineering & Surveying, dated 9 0 0 ". <br /> Ir. Megathlin made reference to the report that had been submitted regarding the <br /> Joy Street project. The major issue began in 2004 when Joy-Street was opened and since <br /> that time there have been many more concerns. A major concern is the extremely high <br /> vacancy rate. Building C has a vacancy rate of %; Building B has a vacancy rate of <br /> 0% with no loading facilities. There has also been a high turn over rate. Many <br /> concessions have been made to prospective tenants in efforts to lease spaces with <br /> minimal success. <br /> There are also a number of design regulatory issues that have resulted from <br /> charging the area from an- outlet center to a conuhunit r center. Mr. Megathlin also made <br /> reference to Cape Cod Commission ion issues in 2004/2005. <br /> Mr. Megathlin thlin stated that a major issue is that there is no loading facility for <br /> Building B. Another is the.excessive width of Joy Street which is between 50 and 70 f. <br /> wide and serves a a large.empty open space, and does not have n urban feel to it. <br /> Although there is sufficient parking for the overall center, there is minimal parking on the <br /> South Street side which makes-it difficult for people to get to the westerly end of Joy <br /> Street. Also, there is no handicap parkibng on Joy Street. <br /> The proposed improvements for Joy Strect include making it one-way with <br /> parking for sixteen spaces. The sidewalks on Building B are between 8 and: - t; <br /> Building C between 18 and 2 - t. The same number of pedestrian amenities will remain, <br /> including.street trees, pedestrian lighting standards, and benches. Community events will <br /> continue to take place with street closings authorized by the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Megathlin spoke to the difficulties of the eldcrly to maneuver Joy Street as <br /> there are difficulties with parking, walking, and handicap access. He then mentioned the <br /> advantages of job creation, noting that in the event the existing vacant stores were to be <br /> filled, it would result in 1 jobs both full and part-time. Full-time construction jobs <br /> would also become available for approximately three months. <br /> 8 <br />