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and Yardarm Drive as referred to in Article 19 of the May 4, 2009 Annual Town fleeting <br /> Warrant; which Notion was duly seconded by Al Wick el and so voted unanimously. <br /> Public Hearing <br /> Willowbend Country Club, Inc. <br /> Sim ns Road between Sarnps ns Mill Road and Quinaquisset Avenue <br /> Approval of Special Permit Modification to Alloy 0-Townhouse Condominiums <br /> As an Addition to the Willobend Country Club Project <br /> The appointed hour having arrived the Chairman called the Public Dearing to <br /> order. Approval of this matter requires a favorable vote of all four sitting Members <br /> (Joseph Mullin noted as being absent). <br /> The Chairman then recognized Attorney .lack McElhinney,.representing the <br /> Applicant,who introduced David wood and Matth r Eddy. <br /> Attorney McElhinney then highlighted those changes made most recently. used <br /> upon the Zoning Board of Appeals variance to allow three-stories and 9-feet for the four <br /> buildings, the revised plan has reduced some of the density for at total of seven 7 <br /> buildings for a total of sixteen 1 lots. <br /> Attorney McElhinney pointed out the two major changes to-the plan, the <br /> incorporation of the curl-de-sac and an.increase-to the buffer area to include the <br /> installation of a fence along the back of the property. <br /> One issue remaining to be agreed-to between the Applicant and the abutters is <br /> consideration of a reconfiguration of the cul-de-sac in order to allover more space between <br /> the buildings in order to reduce the density. Applicant has considered a couple of <br /> different options and based upon a preliminary verbal approval with National Heritage, <br /> the cul-de-sac may be extended another 0-feet towards Samp ons Mill Load, which <br /> could allow less density of the buildings. <br /> Not wanting to speak for the abutters; Attorney McElhinney believes a consensus <br /> has been reached. His hope is to be able to close the Public Hearing subject to receipt o <br /> final comments from the Consulting Engineer, or adjustments to accommodate National <br /> Heritage. <br /> The Town Planner suggested the Public Hearing remain open in order to beep the <br /> record open for any new information; to which the Board agreed. <br /> The Chairman then recognized Attorney Richard Terry, who agreed that Attorney <br /> McElhinney and David Wood have put a lot of work into resolving matters of concern <br /> raised by the abutters and that the changes made have been extremely welcomed. He <br /> stated that he feels the neighbors are pretty well satisfied with the compromises and are <br /> appreciative of the efforts that have been made by the Planning Board, Attorney <br /> 2 <br />