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The Town Planner made reference to the Proposed Modification Decision, III <br /> Chronology, Presentation and Analysis, noting one item as being directly prohibited <br /> under the Special Permit, 174-25.A, stores for sales of marine supplies and associated <br /> items. He suggested the proposed use for boating supplies and apparel be deleted. <br /> e.also listed those uses he feels are questionable—local beach attire and <br /> accessories, American made women's clothing, green energy products,health-and <br /> vitamins, and hair products. These particular items would not appear to be made"on <br /> site' or locally, suggesting they would be more retail in nature. <br /> There was some discussion regarding.the proposed use list. Joe Kelly stated the <br /> proposed use list was meant as an indication to possibilities. The project is intended to be <br /> upscale arts and antiques with a few other uses to make the project inviting and <br /> interesting for everyone. It was agreed to delete healthvitauins and hair products; to <br /> amend language-to read `locally node clothing"; and to approve use for green energy <br /> products-. It was also agreed to address the food service issue at a later date. <br /> MOTION: Bennis Bal arini crude a Motion to approve the modifications to the <br /> floor plan to allow the artisan showroom with uses as specified on the amended Use List;. <br /> which Motion was duly seconded by James Leonard and so voted unanimously. <br /> (The Town Planner to provide a draft Decision in this matter for the next Planning <br /> Board Meeting.) <br /> Special permit <br /> Mashpee Investors LLC <br /> South Cape Village Shopping Center <br /> Signature of Decision on Reconsideration Vote Regarding February 4, 2009 <br /> Special Permit Modification Denial per M L Ch.40A Section 1 <br /> The Chairman called this matter to order and deferred to the Town Planner who <br /> informed the Board that Applicant has respectfully asked to withdraw. <br /> (The Consulting Engineer arrived at the Meeting at this point, 8:15 p.m. <br /> Board Items <br /> The Chairman inquired as to-the status of the Mashpee Environmental Oversight <br /> Committee. James Leonard informed the Board that there have been quorum issues; <br /> there is at least one volunteer who is ready to.begin work in this regard; a Textron grant <br /> in the amount of$30,000.00 has been filed and will be followed through by the Assistant <br /> Town Manager. <br /> With regard to the Talanian project, the Chairman reminded the Board that both <br /> the Design Review and Site Plan Review Committees have reviewed, modified, and <br /> approved the current project, prig to presentation to the Planning Board. Sitting on these <br />