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advisory committees is a landscape architect, architect, and representatives from the Fire <br /> Department, Board of Health, and Building Department. There is a great concern. <br /> regarding safety factors at Commercial Street and that every effort should be made to <br /> rectify the situation, an opportunity lost at this point resulting in the Planning Board vote <br /> to deny the request for Special Permit modification. The Chairman of the Design Review <br /> Comm asked that the Planning Board be aware that in the event of accident/injury, <br /> the Town of liashpee is liable. <br /> At the point the Chairman made reference to a communication received from the <br /> Town Mariag r regarding a letter from David F. Burton, Managing Director, The Foster <br /> Burton Companies, Inc., dated March 23, 2009, addressed to Mr. F. Thomas Fudal , <br /> Town Planner, Town of i la hpee, 16 Great Deck Road Forth, Mashpee, MA 02 4 ; said <br /> letter was an e-mail communication. <br /> The Town Planner has no knowledge of said communication informing the Board <br /> that he is not in receipt of the e-mail. <br /> The Chairman then proceeded to read said communication into the record: `Good <br /> Morning Toni, I am writing you to express-my support of the proposed changes for Joy <br /> Street in South Cape village. In all honesty, I initially questioned the thought process <br /> and wisdom in making such changes. I love the open piazza feel that exists there now. <br /> Upon-reviewing the plans however. in their entirety then making several site visits, I <br /> came to the conclusion that these changes were an acceptable compromise. I should <br /> stress that a large part of mar decision making process revolved around the proposed <br /> modifications to the front of Roche Bros. l am surprised that the existing configuration <br /> ever passed the permitting process. In my view, this is a profound safety issue. Shoppers <br /> entering and leaving Roche Bros. have a mice covered portico in which to shop and be <br /> shielded from weather. However, the moment they leave the covered area they are right <br /> in the travel lane of south-hound traffic. I am truly concerned about a young child <br /> Czgetting away" momentarily from parents and dashing out into traffic. For that matter, <br /> any citizen or the first time visitor unfamiliar with the surroundings could be in jeopardy <br /> if the.Joy Street reconfiguration is contingent upon the modification for the Roche pros. <br /> situation- this is a very compelling reason to allow the implementation of the new plans. <br /> I have heard some discussion about how such changes might impact the temporary <br /> location of the lahpee Public Library. As you are well aware, as Chairman of the <br /> Mashpee Library Board of Trustees, fellow Board Members and l have a fiduciary <br /> responsibility for the care and custody of the library building, grounds, collection, staff <br /> and operation. The Board did not and cannot take a position on this matter. As only one <br /> member of the Board, I do not envision any adverse conditions, in the medium or long <br /> term. The Library's anticipated move to the permanent location is slated for late spring <br /> 2010. Mr. Tlanin has been particularly gracious to the Library"family" and we are <br /> most grateful. Please be clear that I am speaking solely on behalf of myself, a private <br /> citizen, taxpayer and long-time businessman. As a fellow businessman, Mr. Talanian is <br /> not immune to the current economic climate. He is obligated to provide the best for his <br /> tenants, many of whom are small business owners. Over the past twenty-five years my <br /> family has operated retail businesses in both Deer Crossing and Mashpee Commons <br /> 5 <br />